Former Abortion Provider Speaks at Loyola U. Chicago
I’ve heard some pretty outrageous things about Women’s Studies programs in my day, but this one takes the biscuit.
Judith Arcana was recently invited by the Loyola University Chicago Women’s Studies Department to be a guest lecturer in a bioethics class (Bioethics 395: The Ethics of Human Reproduction), and to do a performance of her own work.
Who is Judith Arcana, you ask? For two years, she was a member of The Abortion Counseling Service of the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union — which was better known by its nickname, “Jane”. Its history spanned a roughly five year period prior to the and Roe v. Wade**Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court decisions in 1973. (The picture of Arcana at the top of this post was taken during her time with Jane.) …
It’s bad enough when a Catholic university gives a platform to a pro-abortion politician or other public figure — that in itself [is prohibited by the U. S. Catholic Bishops](http://www.usccb.org/bishops/catholics(name removed by moderator)oliticallife.shtml). Loyola, like so many other Catholic universities, has done that before.
But the fact that a Catholic university has given a platform to someone who actually facilitated abortions, has no regrets about having done so, and who, by her own admission, understands that abortion is the taking of a baby’s life — takes the word “scandal” to a whole new level.
I’ve heard some pretty outrageous things about Women’s Studies programs in my day, but this one takes the biscuit.
Judith Arcana was recently invited by the Loyola University Chicago Women’s Studies Department to be a guest lecturer in a bioethics class (Bioethics 395: The Ethics of Human Reproduction), and to do a performance of her own work.
Who is Judith Arcana, you ask? For two years, she was a member of The Abortion Counseling Service of the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union — which was better known by its nickname, “Jane”. Its history spanned a roughly five year period prior to the and Roe v. Wade**Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court decisions in 1973. (The picture of Arcana at the top of this post was taken during her time with Jane.) …
It’s bad enough when a Catholic university gives a platform to a pro-abortion politician or other public figure — that in itself [is prohibited by the U. S. Catholic Bishops](http://www.usccb.org/bishops/catholics(name removed by moderator)oliticallife.shtml). Loyola, like so many other Catholic universities, has done that before.
But the fact that a Catholic university has given a platform to someone who actually facilitated abortions, has no regrets about having done so, and who, by her own admission, understands that abortion is the taking of a baby’s life — takes the word “scandal” to a whole new level.