As a former CatholicI thought I would go step by step with Becky’s perception of things. Her first statement says to me that she is anti-Catholic. She was probably a cradle Catholic and probably does not know her faith very well to exchange it for anything else. I find that there are more psychological reasons behind the defection of a Catholic than any theological ones they can muster. It also does not take much to scratch just under the surface to find that out.
I resisted going to see Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of Christ, knowing Mel is a devout Catholic
Why the resistance? Obviously this was her only contention. Darkness does not seek the Light, rather it repudiates it.
I would never trust, depend or look to Hollywood for doctrinal instruction.
I must agree with her here, I suppose. But Hollywood, when it comes to spiritual movies, are like the Jews writing the OT. There MAY be much fabrication to make a point but there is always a grain of truth. Such are the stories in the OT…
However, with such Christians as Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and organizations such as the 700 Club, TBN, Campus Crusaders for Christ, etc., as well as many area preachers praising this film as “theologically accurate” and the “newest, hottest evangelizing tool ever”, I felt compelled to go see the movie.
She totally trusts the said preachers. In her mind only, these preachers contain the authority to dictate what a good, ‘theologically correct’ ‘evangelizing tool ever’ is. They may differ in their own denominations on whatever tickles their fancy, but the operative word here is ‘trust’. Well, their discernment must be greater than Mel Gibson and St Katherine Emmerick. It is too bad that she felt compelled to go on other peoples’ opinion and did not feel compelled to go on the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Watching this movie as a former Catholic I quickly saw that unless one has been initiated into the cult of Catholicism, or well read in its doctrines
I truly am surprised that she keeps pounding the issue home. The rite of initiation in the Catholic Faith are the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Being initiated into such does not necessarily give one full ‘knowledge’ on the ‘cult’ of Catholicism. She was watching the movie with a critical eye and she has a bone to pick with Catholicism. She decided ahead of time that this was going to be a flop (according to Becky’s Gospel of Life) and did not listen at all to the preachers that she highly praised at the beginning of her letter. Already she is contradicting herself and underscores my belief that her defection has to do with psuchological reasons…
More later…