Former Catholic says no to Mel Gibson Passion

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Sounds like the rantings of an angry man with an agenda. He needs our prayers.
This sort of writing always amazes me. How can it be Christian to be so condemning of the Catholic faith? You have to read this sort of thing knowing that the author has an agenda, and that agenda is sadly anti-Catholic.
This woman’s hatred of what she believe Catholicism teaches seems to have colored her take on the file, and as a result, she reads quite a lot and make many assumptions from the film.
There are many scenes where Mary nods her head to “Jesus” and he nods back as though to say, “Since you are here mother, I will be able to do this.”
Her bile for the church seems to make her see demons at every turn.
Mel had several Jesuits helping him behind the scenes of the making of this movie. I cannot judge whether Mel is ignorant of Jesuit tactics, but Jesuits are masters at brainwashing. With the loss of so many members because of pedophilia scandals in the priesthood, the releasing of the movie during Lent seems more than just a coincidence. Since the Jesuits believed that if they could teach the youth they would belong to them forever, could it be that they are hoping to win all of us back to the “fold”? And just think…the Jesuits have the endorsement of top Evangelicals and Protestant leaders to confirm the “accuracy” of this movie. It sickens me.
Well, this whole diatribe sickens me.

Peace and God bless.

As a former CatholicI thought I would go step by step with Becky’s perception of things. Her first statement says to me that she is anti-Catholic. She was probably a cradle Catholic and probably does not know her faith very well to exchange it for anything else. I find that there are more psychological reasons behind the defection of a Catholic than any theological ones they can muster. It also does not take much to scratch just under the surface to find that out.

I resisted going to see Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of Christ, knowing Mel is a devout Catholic

Why the resistance? Obviously this was her only contention. Darkness does not seek the Light, rather it repudiates it.

I would never trust, depend or look to Hollywood for doctrinal instruction.

I must agree with her here, I suppose. But Hollywood, when it comes to spiritual movies, are like the Jews writing the OT. There MAY be much fabrication to make a point but there is always a grain of truth. Such are the stories in the OT…

However, with such Christians as Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and organizations such as the 700 Club, TBN, Campus Crusaders for Christ, etc., as well as many area preachers praising this film as “theologically accurate” and the “newest, hottest evangelizing tool ever”, I felt compelled to go see the movie.

She totally trusts the said preachers. In her mind only, these preachers contain the authority to dictate what a good, ‘theologically correct’ ‘evangelizing tool ever’ is. They may differ in their own denominations on whatever tickles their fancy, but the operative word here is ‘trust’. Well, their discernment must be greater than Mel Gibson and St Katherine Emmerick. It is too bad that she felt compelled to go on other peoples’ opinion and did not feel compelled to go on the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Watching this movie as a former Catholic I quickly saw that unless one has been initiated into the cult of Catholicism, or well read in its doctrines

I truly am surprised that she keeps pounding the issue home. The rite of initiation in the Catholic Faith are the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Being initiated into such does not necessarily give one full ‘knowledge’ on the ‘cult’ of Catholicism. She was watching the movie with a critical eye and she has a bone to pick with Catholicism. She decided ahead of time that this was going to be a flop (according to Becky’s Gospel of Life) and did not listen at all to the preachers that she highly praised at the beginning of her letter. Already she is contradicting herself and underscores my belief that her defection has to do with psuchological reasons…

More later…
People should not justify viewing or not viewing a movie based on the religion of the director and writer. Mel Gibson’s Passoin was based on his interpretation of the Gospels much like the way pastors set up their Sunday sermons. Everyone has opinions which they are intitled to of course. I don’t believe Mel was trying to push Catholicism, I think he was simply sharing his own passion as well As Jesus’ and reminding people of what Jesus went through for us. Remember too, if he would have been another religion he would be getting the same backlash as he is now. We should also remember no matter what faith we are God has duties for us to fulfill for him. Maybe most are not recalling that a sheep must obey his Shepard. God is still ALL of ours Shepard.
I saw the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary, the scapular (a brown cloth that comes with a special promise to those who wear it…In the movie, the repentant thief has a crude version of it), the stations of the cross, a “chalice” instead of the Biblical “cup”, “St” Veronica, clothing that looked much like a nun’s habit, and of course, the Eucharistic imagery. But most of all, it reminded me of the place of Mary in Roman Catholicism, which makes the endorsing of this film even more alarming. To those of you who have endorsed this movie, let me just say: “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:6-9)
  • I am glad to see that she is astute in recognizing the sorrowful mysteries of Our Lady, the Stations of the Cross, and especially the Eucharist. We should bless our Lord for such a gift in its fullness that exists in the one and only Holy RC Church. She must question in her mind that these mysteries are biblically based and not ‘inventions’ of the cultish Catholics. We must also insert here that if it wasn’t for the Catholic Faith, our fundamental brothers and sisters would NOT have a Bilbe to refer to.
  • Her idea of the Scapular is pushing it in my opinion. and also that Veronica wore a ‘nun’s’ habit. She must not know her history too well. The Scapular came into being because Our Lady appeared to St Simon Stock in the 12th century (I think) and as far as the nun’s habit goes, well, women dressed exactly like that in Jesus’ time. There was a lot more modesty then than there is now. Actually the nun’s habit came into being reflecting the dress of the day and it remained so while the contemporary dress evolved and became more practical.
  • She fails to understand that Mary’;s role was quite visible in the movie, but, only because we saw a movie. The people of the day would not have payed any attention to her at all. She may have been even scorned due to the shame and scandal it would’ve been in the Jewish mindset. Why is it so difficult for the protesting brothers to realize that Mary loved her Son? What is so difficult to understand? Do not our mothers love us and protect us? Do we stop being mothers when our child has left the house to be on his own? Do we not feel sorrow when we have an ailing child? Do we not mourn when our son dies at the hands of other men’s hate? What exactly would we not do for our son?
To be contined…
It is clear this Lady was never fed by the Catholicism she inherited and was disgruntled with the Church from early on, and most probably had inadequate catechesis. She may have been taught many Catholic teachings in her youth, but they weren’t taught in a way for them to coalesce in her mind. In most Parishes and Catholic Schools up to not too long ago, the emphasis was placed heavily on Tradition(Baltimore Catechism etc) and sacramentals, with the Bible sidelined in most cases and even nowhere to be seen. This was clearly a huge mistake on the part of CCD and Catholic religious education for many years, thank God it is changing. But sadly in Rebecca’s case the damage was already done.

Here is a hypothetical scenario given what I have read from her story.

The first major exposure Rebecca ever had with the Scriptures was probably from the preaching of Protestant televangelists. So she thought, “wow, why was I never given this in Church growing up?, and why bring my sins to a priest when I can confess them directly to God” etc. With that thought she was hooked into Evangelicalism and out with priests, the sacraments, sacramentals and the whole lot. Then one day in her local Christian bookstore or at her new Church she happened upon a pamphlet which fascinated her to no end, and the author of that pamphlet was a man by the name of Jack Chick. Thus her jouney into anti-Catholicism began, and he and his ilk certainly filled in what she didn’t learn about Catholicism in her youth.
I feel badly for this woman. She watched the passion of our Lord through the accusing eyes of hate. I think that’s really sad!

In Christ,
Nancy If you go here, you will see that this woman is a Fundamentalist Baptist. It’s not just about the movie, it’s about her hatred towards the catholic church. Yes, she does need our prayers. Sites like these totally misinform people. Their forum makes many references to this forum too.
Why would she condemn the mysteries of the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross? Of all things Catholic, they are the most “scriptural”
I will not continue my responses with her so-called enlightement. It is becoming a personal thing with me. My brother also left his Catholic faith. Actually he was Catholic/turned Anglican/turned Calvary Gospel/turned Faith Tabernacle. The family was attacked when he did turn Calvary Gospel because of the faith. He was ruthless in his attack. His hatred was very palpable. And I stand on my point of view that it is psychologically propelled. We haven’t seen eye to eye. A year ago, I allowed myself to blow up on him (and his wife) after 23 years of abuse. I regret my blow-up. Nevertheless what I said was factually true. He has tested his own mother in what she says and does and now, in his mind, I am the devil incarnate. He believes that I control the family in my satanic escapades. I wish I had such control…😃

He hates the Catholic Church and what it signifies. But like Becky, will formulate his own criticisms and interpretations and maybe even set up his own church one day. Becky trusted the discernment of evangelicals on the film but now totally disagrees with them on it. It is sad because he also interprets the family’s so-called persecution as what Christ promised that all Christians will be persecuted. Our dislike for him/her makes them think that they will happily suffer for Christ even to death on the Cross because we criticize their self-righteousness. They see it as a spiritual battle of evil/good in our family midst. :banghead:

So, it is a sad truth that a lot of fundamentals are ex-Catholics and they continue their heresy by proving how the RC church the whore of Babylon.

Let us all pray…
. Well, their discernment must be greater than Mel Gibson and St Katherine Emmerick. It is too bad that she felt compelled to go on other peoples’ opinion and did not feel compelled to go on the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Not to pick nits, but I believe Katherine Emmerick was elevated to the level of Blessed last week. Other than that, I have to sit back and admire your defense of our faith! Keep up the great work!
. Well, their discernment must be greater than Mel Gibson and St Katherine Emmerick. It is too bad that she felt compelled to go on other peoples’ opinion and did not feel compelled to go on the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Not to pick nits, but I believe Katherine Emmerick was elevated to the level of Blessed last week. Other than that, I have to sit back and admire your defense of our faith! Keep up the great work!
Thank you Lurch for your kind words. You are right that Katherine is only beatified, thank you for your correction. Because of your gentleness, I will have to think whether I should continue.

Many blessings,
Sad, very sad.

I still haven’t seen this film. I know nothing about Emmerick - I’m only just coming to the catholic church. But what I do know is that if the folks at TBN and the 700 Club think the film is ok then it isn’t exactly likely to be some form of catholic propoganda. And my protestant (and often anti-catholic) friends all liked it apart from those who couldn’t cope with a bit of blood.

My “favourite” part of the article was her comment that the word sacrament isn’t even in the Bible. As if that would matter in any way whatsoever.


Sad, very sad.

I still haven’t seen this film. I know nothing about Emmerick - I’m only just coming to the catholic church. But what I do know is that if the folks at TBN and the 700 Club think the film is ok then it isn’t exactly likely to be some form of catholic propoganda. And my protestant (and often anti-catholic) friends all liked it apart from those who couldn’t cope with a bit of blood.

My “favourite” part of the article was her comment that the word sacrament isn’t even in the Bible. As if that would matter in any way whatsoever.


I don’t know about any “propaganda”, but The Passion is certainly rich in Catholic symbolisms (notice how the flashback of Jesus consecrating the bread is cut straight away to His body on the Cross elevated by the soldiers).

Actually, the word sacrament is there in the Bible! “This is my blood: the blood of the new Covenant.” Sacrament = Oath = Covenant.
I hate to say it, but some anti-Catholics are just plain nuts. These folks really really really hate Catholics. They hate me most of all since I was once a fundamentalist.
I hate to say it, but some anti-Catholics are just plain nuts. These folks really really really hate Catholics. They hate me most of all since I was once a fundamentalist.
Aren’t you curious: ex-Fundie Catholics are often charitable to their Protestant brethren, understanding their feelings because they were once one. But ex-Cath Fundies are just plain… hating!
Although it is difficult we should pray for Rebecca A. Sexton. If nothing else, for her to see that her hatred and vitriol are hurting her more than anyone.

Sad to say, in the early years of the Reformation, many people died in hatred, in the wars that tore up Europe. I’ve run across the same sort of visceral hatred for Catholics. My father one day, a Baptist minister, told me to keep quiet about the fact that my wife is Catholic when we went to pick up some firewood at the farm of one of his congregation. “He absolutely hates Catholics.” That was the explanation. Later I became Catholic myself.

Protestants frustrate me sometimes, but I definitely don’t hate them. Most of my family still are protestants.

To them I say, Pax Christi.
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