Former coeworker ends it all

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last weeks me and my wife saw an obituary to someone I worked with several years ago, at the car dealership I used to work at. thsi was someone that I got along rather well with. when we worked together I was a carlot attendent, he was a salesman. he was pretty evenkeeld sort of person, who lived simply. He had was diveorced with one daughter whoem he treated very well. He left the car dealer ship we worked at for something apperently better. I later got canned for not being a brownnoser.
A few days ago I was visiting a couple friends I hadnt seen in a while at where I used to work. Both friends who are very trustworthy told me that he had committed suiceide. Apeparently because of because of not doing well in sales at the new job, he was on the verge of loosing it all. When his dest was gone threough where he last worked there were lots of over due bills, leins, and other things along that line. He was also recently remarried.
With that in mind does anyone have a set of prayers for me to pray for him? Also for the situation. Knowing the business we both worked at, I cant help but to think(based on logic) that the money problems may have started at the time we worked together. The car dealership we worked at is well known for favoring those employees who belong to the same denomination as the owner’s family, and the h_ll with the rest of everyone who works there. I experienced it first hand. Any ideas? Please post them. Suicide is wrong, but its highly obvious he was suffering greatly, and still maybe. Id like for it to end. Thankyou
I would say a rosary for the repose of his soul just as you would for anyone else who died. We have no way of knowing his heart at the end. He may have repented of his intention to kill himself at the last moment and been unable to save himself, so I don’t think we should assume that he went to Hell and is beyond the help of our prayers. If he is in Purgatory they can still help him. Either way it won’t hurt you to spend some time in prayer, especially before the Blessed Sacrament if you can. I always think of prayer as time spent with my very best friend, so what can it hurt to try even if we don’t think we have the perfect words.
I would agree. More is known now about depression and the effects it can have on the mind. I think we are not to judge a soul, and should pray for him as we would if suicide were not a possibility.
I dont know if I implied anything, and ceartainly didnt intend to. what happens to the soul after suicide is one of the few issues I have yet to form my line of thought and opion on. Because I have lots of questions in my mind and very little in the way of answers.This happening doesnt help either. This was a total shock.
Be comforted and know that all souls have one last chance to repent, your former co-worker could have and is in the hands of God. Your Prayers are never wasted.
I think there’s a 30 Mass devotion that will get him out of purgatory if he’s there. Have 30 Mass’ offered.
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