PLAINFIELD, New Jersey Two years after former New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey left office amid a gay sex scandal, he said he hopes his new tell-all book leads to public acceptance of his openly gay lifestyle.
“What I didn’t understand was that being gay, as with everything else, is a grace from God, and that by accepting that grace and by accepting that reality, by embracing that truth, I could authentically be who I was,” he said in an interview at the home he shares with his companion, Australian-born financier Mark O’Donnell.
iht.com/articles/ap/2006/09/19/america/NA_GEN_US_Gay_Governor.php“The danger is when people have to act out in dark shadows,” McGreevey said. "If people can be who they are in the bright light of day, can celebrate their uniqueness … that’s what promotes a moral fabric in a society.”