Former New Jersey governor says tell-all book is aimed at public acceptance

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PLAINFIELD, New Jersey Two years after former New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey left office amid a gay sex scandal, he said he hopes his new tell-all book leads to public acceptance of his openly gay lifestyle.
“What I didn’t understand was that being gay, as with everything else, is a grace from God, and that by accepting that grace and by accepting that reality, by embracing that truth, I could authentically be who I was,” he said in an interview at the home he shares with his companion, Australian-born financier Mark O’Donnell.
“The danger is when people have to act out in dark shadows,” McGreevey said. "If people can be who they are in the bright light of day, can celebrate their uniqueness … that’s what promotes a moral fabric in a society.”
“What I didn’t understand was that being gay, as with everything else, is a grace from God, and that by accepting that grace and by accepting that reality, by embracing that truth, I could authentically be who I was,” he said in an interview at the home he shares with his companion, Australian-born financier Mark O’Donnell.
“The danger is when people have to act out in dark shadows,” McGreevey said. "If people can be who they are in the bright light of day, can celebrate their uniqueness … that’s what promotes a moral fabric in a society.”
What else to expected of this pro-abortion, ex-Catholic, homosexual activists, adulterous, former Governor of New Jersey, as he seeks to profit from his lewd and unrepentant lifestyle. Such a blatant example of one captured by evil and an evangelist for the kingdom of darkness.
WHO CARES?!?!:rolleyes:
Not I nor many of the other folks that live here in the Garden State…
He only cares about himself. What about his wife? Didn’t worry about her having his baby in the hospital. Can’t people see through him, what he really is, a liar and a selffish person.
He only cares about himself. What about his wife? Didn’t worry about her having his baby in the hospital. Can’t people see through him, what he really is, a liar and a selffish person.
yeah what about his wife…didnt she know what he was all about??
WHO CARES?!?!:rolleyes:
Not I nor many of the other folks that live here in the Garden State…
It is not a matter of caring, it is a matter that this unrepentent homosexual activists is activiely seeking to increase (and profit) societal acceptance of a gravely disordered lifestyle, through a media blitz to launch his book sales.

I caught a portion of his Today show interview this morning, and the guy weaved a very palpable, charming and convincing intermingling of traditional Catholic spirituality (quoting St. Augustine – note the title “The Confession” of his newly released book, and other catholic spiritual fathers), 12-step spirituality, as integral to his walk with god and his attainment of redemption and truth. This display of perfumed lies is just what the devil has nurtured in this lost soul and lauds to win more converts to accept and affirm those caught in such a grossly sinful lifestyle.

The interview segment ended with Matt Lauer commenting that “America loves a sinner”, smiles all around.
Him not repenting about his sexual lifestyle that is HIS problem…HE will have to answer for it eventually! As to promoting a gay lifestyle there are many others that are out there promoting it…all we can do is speak the TRUTH about it!
As to his greed…well we (Garden staters) all knew about that even when he was in office…
Him not repenting about his sexual lifestyle that is HIS problem…HE will have to answer for it eventually! As to promoting a gay lifestyle there are many others that are out there promoting it…all we can do is speak the TRUTH about it!
As to his greed…well we (Garden staters) all knew about that even when he was in office…
Your point?
The other side of the story:
**Ex-aide denies McGreevey relationship **
By RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI, Associated Press Writer Mon Sep 18, 9:18 PM ET
JERUSALEM - An Israeli who served as homeland security adviser to former New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey said Monday that he never had a relationship with McGreevey, whom he accused of sexually assaulting him.

Full Story
The weird this is I may be related to McGreevey since one of my great-grandmother’s maiden name was McGreevey.😦

My point is that NO ONE CARES about this guy and what his agenda is or is not…he is a non-issue!
You sound quite naive and overly passionate that this is a non-issue. BTW–not everyone lives in NJ and/or is desensitized to the gay activists militant agenda to mainstream and normalize the gay lifestyle and gay “identity”.

By way of suggestion: If you are weary of this topic, disengage from such similiar threads and move on.
You sound quite naive and overly passionate that this is a non-issue. BTW–not everyone lives in NJ and/or is desensitized to the gay activists militant agenda to mainstream and normalize the gay lifestyle and gay “identity”.

By way of suggestion: If you are weary of this topic, disengage from such similiar threads and move on.
Not naive at all…perhaps people outside of NJ are though!!!
McGreevy is a non-issue but certain people will make him an issue…just what he & his supporters want.
My point is that NO ONE CARES about this guy and what his agenda is or is not…he is a non-issue!
The problem is, this guy is being pasted all over television proporting his awful lifestyle and being given air time. This, coupled with other tv shows and movies, is a threat to our culture.
The problem is, this guy is being pasted all over television proporting his awful lifestyle and being given air time. This, coupled with other tv shows and movies, is a threat to our culture.
Then I would think writting to the tv stations that broadcast him and complaining might be a good route?!?!
Then I would think writting to the tv stations that broadcast him and complaining might be a good route?!?!
You are now changing your tune after hearing of his broad national agenda to spread the bad news of his gospel of death cloaked in spiritual enlightenment and self-fulfilment?
You are now changing your tune after hearing of his broad national agenda to spread the bad news of his gospel of death cloaked in spiritual enlightenment and self-fulfilment?
Not at all…my tune stays the same…it is a non-issue,IMHO.
It becomes an issue when people want it to be one and fuel it on…so perhaps if you and others are so upset over this you should write to the tv stations and newspapers and voice your concern, distaste etc.
I happened to catch most of the segment on the Today show (which for the record my husband was watching). My friend told me about the Oprah show they had featuring this guy and his companion with the whole audience praising them.

I couldn’t help but wonder how people would react if this man (McGreevey) had left his wife and children for a 18yr old sexy female model? I bet all those Oprah groupies and Today show liberals would be damning the guy to hell but if you leave your wife and children for a man because “Gee, I was born this way I can’t help it” then it’s great. So in this great country it’s okay and we will even praise you for it and buy your book if you leave your wife and kids for a same sex relationship but we are going to damn you to hell if you have a heterosexual affair.

This guy McGreevey the Catholic needs to think more about the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and less about Me, Myself and I.
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