Fort Bragg/ Fayetteville, NC homeschoolers/Catholic schooolers?

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We’re about to move to the Fayetteville area and I’ve looked up what I can about the Catholic schools in the area. I don’t know if I should be dismayed or what, but I can’t get a good read on how they really are. I don’t have much time to make a decision if I should send my kids to one of the Catholic schools and honestly, we don’t have the money to drop right now to enroll them for next year. So we might miss the cutoff time.

We have homeschooled the past year and although it was our first year, I don’t feel it was very successful. Stressful is an understatement and I don’t feel as if I am doing a good job with it. Does anyone live in that area and can give me a PM to let me know if there are any good Catholic homeschooling groups in the area or if you send your kids to the Catholic school?

Thanks for any advice/information you can give! 😃 :o
Hi tamccrackine,

I live in NC but far from Fayetteville. Just wanted to give you the link for the state homeschooling

Maybe you’ve already found them, but just in case you haven’t, they list local support groups throughout the state. I am in my first year hsing in NC and it seems to be a good state for it.

Sorry I can’t be of much help. Good luck with your move and hope you find a good schooling solution for your family!

I live in Spring Lake/Anderson Creek area. MY county is Harnet but I am just outside the Cumberland county area which is the county that Fayetteville is in.

I home school using Seton mainly.

I am a very, very laid back home schooler so I am not very stressed. We have a schedule but I don’t get upset if we get off base. Plus I try and teach my younger children with the same history and science textbooks.

How old are your kids.

My neighbor home schools but she is baptist. Still she is very sweet and has a well behaved son of eight.

The three that I teach are eight, ten and 14. Next year they will be in 4th, sixth and ninth grade. Maybe we could all get together, my family, yours and my neighbor’s.

I go to a church called St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. If you move to the Spring Lake area you will all ready know a good church. It is a very warm church and we have the sweetest priest. His name is Fr. Willard Ruccisnski(My spelling is off)

As far as Catholic schools, I think that there are several. I remember St. Patricks from when I was a child but Fayettevill is really a very large town or small city so there is a lot of area to cover.
If you haven’t already, you may want to check the forums at in their Family Life forum. I know there are a lot of military moms who homeschool. I don’t know how many Catholic ones you’ll find, but I’m sure you’ll find a rather large network of homeschoolers in that area. Good luck!
Hey Fort Bragg huh? That’s where my brother is stationed…
Sorry no advice here about homeschooling… I haven’t the courage for that.
I’ll send you a PM with my mom’s email. She lived in Fayetteville for a few months and was very in touch with the Catholic community and can probably get you connected with some homeschoolers.
ems3–wow, that is an awesome website! Thank you! I really gleaned alot of information from that site! I really appreciate it!

AirForceMama- I’ve registered at Cinchouse but haven’t ever gone there. I’ll have to lurk around there to see if anyone can help out. Thanks!

deb1- I’ll PM you. 😃

vluvski- thanks so much for the PM. I’ll be sure to contact your mom as I’m eager to gather as much information as I can and it would be great to have at least one person to know when I get there. 😛
Was stationed at Pope from 2002-2005. 😃

There are a couple of Catholic elementary schools, but no high school. St. Ann’s is one of them, but I can’t recall the name of the other. (My first was just a baby when we were there.) I also went to the chapel on base and knew of some homeschooling families, so I’m sure you will have no trouble finding a group there. Good luck!
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