Fr Michel Rodrigue

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Alright, I know that there was a letter written by the Bishop saying like he doesn’t support Fr Michel Rodrigue and his end time messages, but people are saying that it isn’t an official condemnation, the bishop didn’t make a good choice, things like that. So I was wondering if it isn’t an official condemnation, I would like you guys to inform me of the actual false factors that are within the messages and revelations. I would truly be grateful if any of u guys on this forum can help. Thank you and God Bless
You need to seek the guidance of a good priest and stop reading things which flare your anxiety. As we’ve said before, no man can know the day or the hour. No. Man. Period. Those who say they do are liars. No ifs, ands, or buts. Please seek more official spiritual assistance.
I promise this will be the last and I will make the hardest push I can to stop this addiction, but I’m begging you can you please tell me what is false about his messages and revelations?
mise this will be the last and I will make the hardest push I can to stop this addiction, but I’m begging you can you please tell me what is false about his messages and revelations?
I am sorry, I don’t know about the named priest, so I can’t help you with that, but the obsession (you call it addiction) is something you should deal with, with the help of a spiritual director. I am telling you from experiences.

I apologize if I am mistaken, but I assume that this is not the first thing you felt so anxious and intense about and even the one before that was probably not the first one. Be careful, because when you will let go of this obsession, the new one will come. This is how it was with me. Until I became completely obsessed with sin and confession and legalistic part of the Church. Eventually was diagnosed with OCD. No meds helped me. The only thing that helped is a good spiritual director and complete obedience. And yes, obsessions are hell.

I am still far from normal, but I feel so much better already. Just as it took 1000 of obsessions and years of obsessing to get in the terrible state, it now it takes a bit of time to normalize my thinking pattern and eventually you see the silliness of it all - obsession after obsession.

So get a spiritual director.
God bless !
The main issue with his teaching I’ve found is that Fr. says he was in heaven and spoke with St. Padre Pio about the Three Days of Darkness, something St. Padre Pio never addressed. Even the claim of heaven was pretty extreme. Nevertheless, the condemnation by the bishop was all we needed. The shepherds of God’s Church have told us that Fr. Rodrigue is not teaching according to the Church, and so we should trust their judgement.
But i though that the bishop just didn’t support the messages, and it wasn’t an official condemnation? And that it is still open for judgement?
As far as I was aware, they were rejected. Still, unapproved private revelations aren’t worth your time, either. Let the men entrusted to guide us do their job. If something is enriching to us as Catholics, they’ll let us know. Have faith and do not concern yourself with the world’s end. Do what you can to be alright with God each day and you will be fine, no matter what happens.
If it’s not to much to ask can you tell me what else are big red flags concerning his messages? Please thank you
The biggest one is, obviously, his rejection of the words of our Lord. Only the Father knows the day of the End. No man will know it until that day! Why else would Jesus focus so much on individual preparation for our own end? I know this stuff can be pretty scary. I had my own problems with it a while ago, and even I got a little upset reading the things Fr. Rodrigue said. But I trust God when He said that we should be more concerned with our personal end than the world’s.
I know I’ve been thinking about it so much. Like apparently WW3 and nukes are supposed to hit the U.S., and other bad things are supposed to happen In the month of the rosary (October) so I’ve been literally counting down the days and I’m scared
Just remember God’s words and all will be well. The Lord does not wish you to lose your inner peace, ever.
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No one who has made a prediction about the end of the world has been right so far (baring the prophets). No one. Not one person. Because Jesus said that no one but the Father knows.

So, anyone who says they know is wrong. It’s a simple as that.
Dr not know about this. But 2020 is all sorts of end times fun isn’t it?
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