you probably have heard of this in black humors but have you ever seen one in real life?
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society.people.com.cn/GB/1062/3631584.htmlNew China News Agency Xi’an on August 20th special news (for) patient right leg bone fracture, but doctor actually performed the surgery on the patient left leg. This was recently occurs in the Shanxi Province Sanyuan county hospital one strange event. In the Sanyuan county hospital, patient’s son Chen said, his father already 68 years old, on August 15th the evening fell one tumble, right thigh bone fracture, on 17th morning 8 o’clock performed the surgery in the Sanyuan county hospital. The hospital course of an illness records demonstrates, the patient right hip department right thighbone place smashing bone fracture, plans to carry on the surgery name for the incision replacement in the fixed technique, the surgery personnel is Liu Jun An and so on 4 people. Chen said, in front of surgery must when carries on the general anesthesia to the patient, is he in agreement which doctor brings signs a document. Noon 12 o’clock after, the father comes out from the operating room, doctor to the family member said the surgery completed, but the family members discovered, patient’s right leg smooth, above anything did not have, the left leg actually wrapped the gauze, estimated fixedly uses the steel plate and so on already sneaked in in the left leg. According to the hospital one person in charge introduces, the surgery made the wrong one matter hospital already expresses the apology to the patient family member, and was grasping to investigate the accident the concrete reason.