Franciscan communities for married couples

  • Thread starter Thread starter RosaryWarrior4Jesus
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Hi. I’m wondering if anyone knows of any canonically approved Franciscan orders/ communities who live monastic life and allow married secular Franciscans to live there also. Feeling called to marriage and family and a Franciscan way of life but also desiring community life and a deeper commitment to following Christ. Any help or insight would be appreciated. Thank you!
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Hi, and welcome ! 👋

I don’t know of any such community (and I am not sure I live on the same continent as you anyway), but I would like to put in a word of caution.

I live in a region where such community experiments have been made, and every single community which mixed celibate people with married couples came to an end among conflict and bitterness, not to mention a few broken hearts. The former prior of one of these failed communities told me : “If you ever consider community life, choose a community where everyone shares the same state of life. Having married couples along celibates cannot end well, and we should have understood that from the start.”

I do know of one community of families around here which works. Each family has their own house, they meet three times a day in the chapel for prayer, the money they earn is put together and redistributed to each family according to their specific needs. The children are explicitly not members of the community until they reach adulthood and can make that choice for themselves. There are no celibates though.
Live in the local neighbourhood of the convent and go to Mass there as well as help out when needed. Several convents invite the “Friends of the Convent” to work in the garden or other projects regularly.
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