Thanks all.
In reading ancient publications of Francis’s era, I fail to see where devotion was a problem. Certainly the Minors spent a good part of the day in devotion, the rest of the time in the world living the Gospel. We could all learn from that. Devotion is clearly one of the remedies for today with it’s dysfunctional families.
As it is, I feel myself drawn to the older rule. Maybe that has to do with my upbringing in a more traditional Church. Francis and I could relate in many areas.
Towing the line as a SF raises some odd predicaments. Obligatory jurisdictions arise from the old rule’s abrogation. Following the old rule makes for a disloyal Franciscan, but creates a more virtuous Catholic. For instance, by virtue of being Catholic I’m bound to…
r10… never take an oath except when necessary, use indecent language. I should also examine my conscience every night, etc,etc.
r9 …ernestly maintain the spirit of charity among ourselves, etc.
We can see that we are not for any reason completely dispensed from the older rule, since it has it’s mirror in Catholic obligation and virtues. Many times the older rule is simply a re-wording of what we may find in Catholic literature. It’s just that now we do so in differing capacities, which is a bit strange.
Maybe I just don’t get it.