Hello all,
I was layed off in 2010, when I worked as a power plant mechanic and welder, for a contract company. The money was good, but there where no opertunitites for that type of profession, unless you want to be a road gypsie.
it was like instant remorse.
I really at the time wanted a career change, but my old employeers, contacted me, and job scouts, telling me, “It will be differnt with that engineering degree”. But the last year when I went for my internship, I was back to the same zero growth, cave man job skills, of beating metal on metal and lifting heavy things.
I was un able to get out of bed for the past month, where I live, and it had cause me to drop my classes for the summer. I have become severly depressed, that, no matter how many 14-18 hour days of studying I put in. I will always have a 2.5 gpa, and God will never help me. It has cause me to become severly depressed, and often i want to walk out into traffic. Church and prayer does not help me, because I lost my faith at the University where I learned how quality of life works.
I guess my main question is, I can not function, working with “Tough guys” I can not stand people with tattooed sleeves, and ignorant people whom, think that learning a trade in the information age, is a way to make a living. I have violent fits of rage, if I am in the presense of alcoholics and pot heads, which the energy industry seems to cater to.
Can someone give me an insite on their quality of life as an engineer? I feel like I have emotional trauma or somthing. I have constant flash bulb memories, where I see my father coming home from the power company and he is constantly misrible. Everyone works like 60 hours a week because they hate their wives. I would sell my soul tongiht to be a pharmacist or physician assitant. Ect. …
Thanks for your responses and time.
I was layed off in 2010, when I worked as a power plant mechanic and welder, for a contract company. The money was good, but there where no opertunitites for that type of profession, unless you want to be a road gypsie.
I went back to school to get my engineering degree, thinking that things would change significantly for me. When I went for an internship with my old co workers at a new plant,
My father also worked for the same company, that is riddled with a heavy drug culture, and rampid alcoholism. When I first went back to school, I thought that if I prayed hard enough, and worked hard enough and really believed I " could do anywhere I want through Christ". Just like the testimonies I have heard of numerous people.
I was un able to get out of bed for the past month, where I live, and it had cause me to drop my classes for the summer. I have become severly depressed, that, no matter how many 14-18 hour days of studying I put in. I will always have a 2.5 gpa, and God will never help me. It has cause me to become severly depressed, and often i want to walk out into traffic. Church and prayer does not help me, because I lost my faith at the University where I learned how quality of life works.
I guess my main question is, I can not function, working with “Tough guys” I can not stand people with tattooed sleeves, and ignorant people whom, think that learning a trade in the information age, is a way to make a living. I have violent fits of rage, if I am in the presense of alcoholics and pot heads, which the energy industry seems to cater to.
Has anyone else had this trouble ? I could go into more complex detail, but this is a long post already. Are their any engineers here? That can give me insite on your life style? or Co workers? I do nto want to spend my life working with pot heads whom are rewarded at work for their deviancy. I worked at a Reliant Energy Plant for like 10 years and it was so corrrupt. Everyone used to do meth, and share their wives. When the plant manager was informed that there was a meth lab in the building, he said he did not care, as long as his plant was running.
Thanks for your responses and time.