Free Will

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I listened to a sermon yesterday that really spoke to me about free will.
Let’s say God has been trying and trying to talk to a hard-hearted person, by opening his heart, but this person refuses to open his heart. For it is our free will to shut God out or make our own choices.

Then what happens to God’s plan now that this person will not cooperate? Or since God already knows ahead of time that this person will not cooperate, does God have several plans made - just in case?

Let me put in better perspective - I believe God has told me a situation will exist if I maintain faith and have patience. But this is contingent upon another person (who is hard hearted).

God may never be able to break through this person due to his free will. Does that mean God has a backup plan? Or does that mean God will keep on using means to finally get this person to relent? Like a donkey talking to him or such like that!
I believe that when God has a plan, nothing is going to keep it from being fulfilled exactly the way that He wants it to be fulfilled. Sometimes people have the blessing and priviledge of cooperating with His plans, and sometimes we are just too stubborn and hard-hearted to comply with His will. I do know that God keeps working on each of us everyday, but doesn’t force His way in. Plus, no one always obeys God’s commands or completely complies with His plans for our lives.

Have you ever seen “A Snoodle’s Tale”? It’s one of the VeggieTales. The plot of the story doesn’t really follow what we’re talking about, but there’s a line in it that may help. The Snoodle is asking God, since He is all-powerful, why doesn’t He make people obey His commands. God replies, “A gift that’s demanded is no gift at all”.

Scout 🙂
And she said laughing (with love, of course) isn’t there something in Scripture about God’s mind being far above ours? We pray and add may Your will be done. The details are a “Management” problem, as Fr Mitch Pacwa would say.
Our Lady of Good Counsel, pray for us.
Peace on earth to men of good will.
We have free will that is for sure. If God has promissed you a certain situation will exist if you and another person have faith and believe, let say a successful business adventure, and the other person does not have the required faith, then God will offer you an even better opportunity to be successful. It may be in business, faith, family or something else, but God will keep his word even better than you could ever imagine.
We have free will that is for sure. If God has promissed you a certain situation will exist if you and another person have faith and believe, let say a successful business adventure, and the other person does not have the required faith, then God will offer you an even better opportunity to be successful. It may be in business, faith, family or something else, but God will keep his word even better than you could ever imagine.
I see what you are saying. I guess I am still confused. Does this mean God has several back up plans just to cover me if person A does not want to cooperate. Then he can substitute person A for person B. Sounds silly but I am just so confused.
I see what you are saying. I guess I am still confused. Does this mean God has several back up plans just to cover me if person A does not want to cooperate. Then he can substitute person A for person B. Sounds silly but I am just so confused.
The way I see it is God promissed you success but it may not be what you thought success was or he promissed you love but it may not be with the person you had in mind. Maybe you thought success was being a doctor but God thought success for you would be teaching in an inner-city school and inspiring some kid to discover a cure for cancer or just get out of the ghetto. Maybe you wanted to marry the prom queen but God decided you should marry someone else who would love you more and give you a beautiful family that would give you greater joy than you could ever imagine. 🙂
I just thought of an analogy. It’s probably not exactly on the mark, but maybe it’s something to consider.

There’s an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, in which Worf found himself trapped in some sort of “quantum bubble”. Everything kept changing around him. For example, he’d come in first in a termament, then had only placed third, and then was disqualified. At one point he was married, at another he wasn’t. He couldn’t figure out what was happening.

There is a theory that for every event and decision that we make in our lives, there is an alternate universe where another decision is made and something else happens to us. Like with Worf being married in one universe, but not in another.

Anyway, since God is God, maybe He sees all universes and all outcomes at all times. Remember, God does not work within a time-capacity. He only invented that for us.

I’m not sure if this post made much sense. Sorry, if it didn’t. I just believe that I have freedom to choose God’s way or my way. Whether or not I choose God’s way myself, His plans are still going to be fulfilled no matter what. I think the great thing about free-will is that we can choose to be a part of God’s great plan for our lives-that’s one reason why free will is such a blessing.

Scout :tiphat:
I just thought of an analogy. It’s probably not exactly on the mark, but maybe it’s something to consider.

There’s an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, in which Worf Scout :tiphat:
Scout - You’re killing me here with Veggie Tales and Worf! I appreciate your advice and the analogies are helpful!

Anyway, since God is God, maybe He sees all universes and all outcomes at all times. Remember, God does not work within a time-capacity. He only invented that for us.

I’m not sure if this post made much sense. Sorry, if it didn’t. I just believe that I have freedom to choose God’s way or my way. Whether or not I choose God’s way myself, His plans are still going to be fulfilled no matter what. I think the great thing about free-will is that we can choose to be a part of God’s great plan for our lives-that’s one reason why free will is such a blessing.

Scout :tiphat:
It did make sense - I saw the episode so I completely understand what you are saying. And I do believe God will work all things out for my good - and better than I can imagine ( good thing for that because I can be short sighted).

You are right - that is what makes God great!
I’m so glad you understood what I was trying to say. I was afraid of just making you more confused.

Scout 🙂
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