My fiance and I are preparing for marriage in September and I have been reading the section of the catechism on marriage. I got to this section about the meaning of “to be free” and am a little confused and can’t find a clear explanation:
*1625 The parties to a marriage covenant are a baptized man and woman, free to contract marriage, who freely express their consent; “to be free” means:
I cannot find a good explanation of the “not being under constraint”. Does this just basically mean that you want to marry your future spouse and no one is holding a gun to your head? I am just confused if this implies no anxiety or fear at all? Some days we are super excited and can’t wait to marry each other and there are days we have some anxiety or fear about the magnitude of the sacrament. (We are both have had struggles in the past with diagnosed anxiety/panic disorder and get anxious about many other things as well). Just not sure what is normal to experience before a wedding as neither of us have been married before.
We love each other very much and of course have no intentions of ever divorcing, plan on being open to life, raising our family according to the teachings of the church and no one is making us marry as both families approve of the marriage so I assume that we are in the clear here?
My fiance and I are preparing for marriage in September and I have been reading the section of the catechism on marriage. I got to this section about the meaning of “to be free” and am a little confused and can’t find a clear explanation:
*1625 The parties to a marriage covenant are a baptized man and woman, free to contract marriage, who freely express their consent; “to be free” means:
- not being under constraint;
- not impeded by any natural or ecclesiastical law. *
I cannot find a good explanation of the “not being under constraint”. Does this just basically mean that you want to marry your future spouse and no one is holding a gun to your head? I am just confused if this implies no anxiety or fear at all? Some days we are super excited and can’t wait to marry each other and there are days we have some anxiety or fear about the magnitude of the sacrament. (We are both have had struggles in the past with diagnosed anxiety/panic disorder and get anxious about many other things as well). Just not sure what is normal to experience before a wedding as neither of us have been married before.
We love each other very much and of course have no intentions of ever divorcing, plan on being open to life, raising our family according to the teachings of the church and no one is making us marry as both families approve of the marriage so I assume that we are in the clear here?