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For about a week now I’ve been really struggling with my own sinfulness. I kept on feeling like I was failing God. However, now, thanks to the Holy Spirit, I realize that rather than focusing on my own sins I should be focusing on the Sacrifice that Jesus made on the Cross to take away my sins. I should focus on the solution rather than just focusing on the problem.

Now I realize that we should have a healthy awareness of our own sinfulness. But I had gotten to the point where almost all I ever thought about was how sinful I was. I was getting depressed and not feeling very good about myself. Instead of feeling like this, I think Jesus wants us to be JOYFUL because He has taken away our sins.

Anyway, forgive me for using this forum like my journal. 😃

In Christ’s Love,
The Sacrament of Penance is a wonderful way to handle any problem that makes us feel like we are failiing God.

Pax et bonum,
The word for one focusing too much on sin and not on God’s is called scrupulosity. Which in itself it is a sin. But, it is important to realize who the accuser of the brethern is. It is not God! So when that happens, doing just what you did is the best way to stop it. Give God honor, glory, praise, and thanksgiving. It will flee. It cannot stay where there is light. For God’s word also says, anything that is hidden will be brought to the light.

Pani Rose
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