Freemasonry and Philanthropy

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  1. If a boy is a member of Key club in high school, which has its roots in Kiwanis (A Masonic organization). If such a boy has also done fundraisers for the Lion’s club, (also connected with the masons).
If they have done these things all without realizing these organization’s Masonic ties, and if they were also part of Boy Scouts which has Mormon roots,whose contributing founder in America was a Mason, and given that the mormons in turn have Masonic roots, and if the Boy Scouts allow Masons to be members, recieve masonic awards, and if the Boy Scouts recieve financial and other help from the masons, and a Catholic boy didn’t know all of this when he joined these organizations in high school, what is their moral culpability and standing with the Church for helping an evil organization unwillingly and indirectly. Some of the uniform gear worn is Masonic in origin, and the Masons are deeply rooted in the occult. What also is the likelihood that such a person could unknowingly come under demonic opression for wearing occult symbols?
  1. If such a person and/or their parents knew about these Masonic connections ahead of time but just joined because they offer training in life skills and a way to serve and help others, would they be morally culpable for cooperating with evil?
Goodness, I wouldn’t worry about it. There are those who like to point out how Masonic our Founding Fathers were, too. I know Washington was a Mason.

It is still obliquely prohibited in Canon Law for Catholics to be Masons, but as Jimmy Akin said on Al Kresta’s show the other day, Masons in the US are not nearly as objectionable as those in Europe.

question 1 - no this boy wouldn’t be culpable because he was ignorant of the Boy Scout’s alleged Masonic ties. Knowledge of what you’re doing is required for moral responsibility. As for demons, frankly I doubt a Boy Scout would be in any more danger from demons than pretty much every other person in the world. while we should always be aware that evil exists and there is a hell, obsessing about demons is not the right approach. Personally I think people who are obsessed with demons are most vulnerable to them.

question 2 - well if it is indeed true that the BSA is a Masonic organization (and I’d wnat to see some proof before making that judgment) and Catholics knew that then yes they would be culpable for getting involved in an organization the Church prohibits.
If the Church objects, it objects
John Higgins:
Goodness, I wouldn’t worry about it. There are those who like to point out how Masonic our Founding Fathers were, too. I know Washington was a Mason.

It is still obliquely prohibited in Canon Law for Catholics to be Masons, but as Jimmy Akin said on Al Kresta’s show the other day, Masons in the US are not nearly as objectionable as those in Europe.

What’s this link between the BSA and Masons? Never heard of it.
You know there are three Catholic religious awards available through the BSA: Parvuli Dei for Cub Scouts, Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius XII for Boy Scouts. These are administered by the local diocese and I’ve never heard of any bishop objecting. Sounds like at least tacit approval. I think too much can be made of “origins” and “connections” and similarity to such and such. The Church christianized a mid-winter pagan feast into Christmas, for goodness sake.
<<The Church christianized a mid-winter pagan feast into Christmas, for goodness sake.>>>

Not quite, aridite.

This link to the New Advent site gives a lot of good information about the celebration of Christmas.
Lion’s club, (also connected with the masons).
The Lions of America are connected with Masons? I had no idea. Would my membership be a problem?

I’m starting to think that some people think EVERYTHING is connected to the Masons. Next we’ll hear that Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray were Masons!

I wouldn’t worry about the Lions, Shamus.

I have never heard this about Key clubs. My Daughters HS has one also. The only activity they engage in that I’m aware of is volunteer work: food baskets for holidays, painting the walls at the boys/girls club gym. Seems OK to me, but I would like to know what source you know of that says they are Masonic in origin.

This could be like the Girl Scouts, which are ACTIVELY promoting birth control & Planned Parenthood agenda in some areas. I would not allow my daughter to be a girl scout, even if her particular troop was not, because of the nat’l organizationss viewpoints. so I would like to check into the Key Club a little further.
I had a question in another forum about the girl scouts and masonic roots. Now I know more about the girl scouts organization and I will definately not allow my girls to join, even though there are “catholic” badges and awards they can earn. I was a brownie as a girl for one year, but didn’t like it. I don’t think I need to confess it or anything. Steering clear of questionable organizations is good and conscientious. But I wouldn’t worry about the past so much. If you didn’t know, you didn’t know and God knows what is in your heart.
Fear not, OLG; the Key Club is what it seems. Here’s a link to the national organization:

Key Club

I get so tired of the “There a Mason behind everything in the US” crowd!

When I did undergrad, my office was across from Circle K (college Kiwanis), and there was no fell of the dreaded Masonry about them. As far as I can research, Kiwanis and the Masonic organizations have no connection.

The Boy Scouts are not masonic or mormon. Although either one can be a scout as they are non-sectarian. Catholics are prohibited however from joining the Masonic Lodge. I have had to warn parishioners about it.
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