OK. I will give a single example, an excerpt from the Exhortation in the 3rd Degree.
The Master addresses the Candidate and sums up his masonic career so far.
“The secrets of Nature and the principles of intellectual truth were then unveiled to your view. To your mind, thus modelled by virtue and science, Nature, however, presents one great and useful lesson more. She prepares you, by contemplation, for the closing hour of existence: and when by means of that contemplation she has conducted you through the intricate windings of this mortal life, she finally instructs you how to die. Such, my Brother, are the peculiar objects of the Third Degree in Freemasonry.”
It is easy to miss the implications. According to this. a 2nd Degree Mason has had unveiled to him two things: “the secrets of Nature” (with a capital N) and the principles of “intellectual truth.” How does this differ from mere “truth?” There is only one Truth namely Jesus, the Logos, God’s Truth. To posit that there is something called “intellectual truth,” which is defined by and therefore subordinate to the human intellect and which differs from God’s truth, is the error underlying modernism, which St Pius X called “the synthesis of all heresy.”
No less significant is the claim that Nature has secrets which are unveiled to 2nd degree freemasons and thus not to others.
What or who is this “Nature?” The ritual tells us, and the word “thus” is critical. The mason’s mind was “thus” modelled by virtue and science, meaning that these correspond to Nature and intellectual truth. Presumably science equates to intellectual truth so Nature equates to virtue, which freemasonry is thus claiming to be the arbiter of.
Now the crux: this “Nature” which seems to mean the morality of which freemasonry is the sole guardian, does the following:
- , She conducts you through life.
- She prepares you for the closing hour of your existence.
- She instructs you how to die.
She does all this not through the grace of God or faith in Him but through something called “contemplation,” in other words through your own mental activity. This is exactly what one would expect if it were accepted that “Truth” is the product if the intellect.
What is meant here by “die?” Why do you need instruction? If we leave aside the sinister possibility that these instructions may include recourse to suicide or euthanasia, it can only mean that it instructs you on how to attain salvation at the instant if death. The language has been so delicately phrased that most religious people would not notice how offensive is what is being proposed. Freemasonry is asserting that Nature, whose secrets it possesses, allows freemasons to engage in a contemplation of truth which their own intellect defines, in order to attain a perfect death and the salvation which that implies.
Exit our Lord’s Passion; exit Our Lady’s intercession; exit objective truth and goodness; exit God. Enter - who?