Frequency of Communion

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If I attend a Sunday liturgy on Saturday night and again on Sunday morning, may I receive Communion at both Masses? If I attend in the same day (for example) a Saturday Mass, a wedding Mass, an ordination Mass, a funeral Mass, and a Sunday vigil Mass, may I or should I receive Communion at each?
You are allowed to receive Holy Communion a maximum of twice in one day, provided that the second time occurs in the context of a mass.
You may receive communion at the Saturday vigil mass AND Sunday mass, without any problem, even if you have received communion Saturday morning. For this purpose they (Saturday vigil & Sunday) are considered two separate days.

You may receive communion a total of two time a day. HOWEVER!! the second time you receive MUST be at a mass & you must be there from the begining of the mass till the end (you can’t come in late or leave early) & NOT a communion service. The first time, that day, that you receive communion may be a communion service.

Of course you still have to fast from food & drink (not water) one hour before communion & not be in a state of mortal sin.

I hope this helps.

God bless you.👋
The norms allow for a second reception the Eucharist if you attend a Mass again on the same day as a prior reception.
Can. 917 A person who has already received the Most Holy Eucharist can receive it a second time on the same day only within the eucharistic celebration in which the person participates, without prejudice to the prescript of ⇒ can. 921, §2.
(Canon 921 says you can receive *viaticum * if you are in danger of death) So you could receive at the Saturday Mass and the wedding Mass, but should refrain from receiving at the ordination and funeral Masses.

The only part I’m not sure of is the vigil Mass – Is it Saturday or Sunday? I bow to someone wiser to answer that one.
The only part I’m not sure of is the vigil Mass – Is it Saturday or Sunday? I bow to someone wiser to answer that one.
According to canon law, the definition of a day is:
Can. 202 §1 In law, a day is understood to be a space of twenty-four hours, to be reckoned continuously and, unless expressly provided otherwise, it begins at midnight; a week is a space of seven days - a month is a space of thirty days, and a year a space of three hundred and sixty-five days, unless it is stated that the month and the year are to be taken as in the calendar.
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