Friday abstinence other than meat

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott_Waddell
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I understand that although abstaining from meat on Friday is the tradition, one can substitute other acts. I am teaching religious ed next year and want to make sure everyone is following this, but I am sure I will be asked what can be substituted. Would someone give examples?


I hate fasting from meat!!! Besides, many people see this as something that only means they have to eat lobster or fish, rather than to be for the purpose of calling to mind Jesus death and sacrifice. I have substituted going to a Friday Mass, where I pray for atonement and reconciliation. When I first started this, about 15 years ago, I went to confession as well. But after I left a previous job which was near a chapel that offered confession, this is no longer available. I feel this has made Fridays and their purpose a lot more meaningful to me, and daily Mass has been a great bonus to my prayer life. Once a month, on first Friday, I also join my youth group for Adoration, another wonderful addition to ones prayer life and develops a closer relatiionship with Jesus. After Adoration, we all ( youth group and adults who attend Adoration) get together for a movie or games and food at someone’s house.
Of course, I still abstain during Lent, but this is subdued and not a restaurant night or lavish fish dinner, but a simple meal in reminder of the sacrifices of Jesus. I rejoice when it is over and eat my meat with a grateful heart! 😛
i’m going to this website & hope it helps w/good ideas. i already do daily mass & have been struggling with an appropriate alternative to no meat on friday. for me, that means no chicken, as i don’t now eat any red meats at all.
i’m going to this website & hope it helps w/good ideas. i already do daily mass & have been struggling with an appropriate alternative to no meat on friday. for me, that means no chicken, as i don’t now eat any red meats at all.
Abstain from alcohol, soda, sex, TV, Internet, sweets, skip one meal.

Recite the 7 penitential psalms; read one Gospel account of the Passion

Perform a work of charity . . .
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