Friend not even a practicing Catholic - signed up to teach CCD?!

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So my friend “Jenny” IS Catholic but she hasn’t bothered with Church in years. She recently divorced her husband and stays with her new boyfriend on the weekends. She has stated on many occasions that she doesn’t really believe in the Church - thinks all religions are just fine - no personal convicition whatsoever. Her oldest child needs to make his first communion so she started taking him to mass She called to get him signed up for a class & they asked if she would be willing to teach. What’s your take on this? Another friend said it was a good thing because maybe Jenny will come to appreciate her faith? Are they that desperate for teachers that they’re willing to use anyone???
carol marie:
… they asked if she would be willing to teach.
Are they that desperate for teachers that they’re willing to use anyone???
I know in my parish they ask just about anyone who breathes:eek: Nobody wants to teach anymore…
I retired this past year…(DRE thought I was much too serious and “old school” about teaching the Faith…:whistle:
What’s your take on this? Another friend said it was a good thing because maybe Jenny will come to appreciate her faith?
It’s scary…but I have seen some turn their lives around and they seriously started to live up to what they are teaching…
I have had the joy and privelege of teaching CCD for the last 4 years (while in College) and it is something I hope to continue someday when I settle down after the Active Army. My class was the tough one, I was rather hard and uncompromising and occasionally got myself into a little trouble, but I think and believe I was in the right. My best moment was watching my confirmation class (last two years) being confirmed by the Bishop. Wonderful feeling, “my kids.”
While she MAY move closer to her faith, my concern is the class of little kids who could be taught the wrong stuff. I’d rather err on the side of the children.

You may want to take the priest into your confidence and ask him what he thinks is right. Or you could try to talk with your friend. You might lose a friend tho’.

God Bless,
I thought you had to be credentialled as a catechist or something to teach - not true? I thought it was true in our Archidiocese…
…i don’t know what to tell you… maybe, speak to your priest at least, and at best notify your diocese Bishop if you get no satisfaction… pitiful:banghead:
Ideally CCD teachers should be respected because they live virtuous lives according to Catholic beliefs and values. I guess in the real world though, parishes are desperate for teachers and will take anyone that volunteers. How sad.

Hopefully your other friend is right. Maybe this will lead her closer to the Catholic faith. :ehh:

What’s so ironic is even “Jenny” was shocked they would ask her! Even SHE recognizes that she has no qualifications, is living a sinful life, and has very little faith herself.

This is what gets me… she is the 2nd person I know who has been asked to teach & has no business being in charge of a classroom. The other person I met at my daugher’s dance class. We got to talking about chruches - I told her I was in RCIA on my way to becoming Catholic - she said she had taught 7th grade CCD the previous year but has since left the church because she realized that she “didn’t believe any of that junk” and that the Catholic Church is no place for her girls. (no idea what that meant? What… she wants them to be able to sleep around & get abortions?) I think NO CCD class would be better than a class taught by those who don’t believe it. Just like we wouldn’t want our kids taught at the local Baptist church - why should they be taught by these people???
By all means, call the priest, call the diocese - let someone know what this “DRE” is doing. The parents are trusting that the teachers will teach the faith. Believe me, these kids can throw some hard questions your way (I teach 5th grade CCD).

As this woman is your friend, I’d lovingly suggest that she decline the offer.
In our diocese it is required (on paper at least) to have been certified (not sure if that is the proper word) to teach RE, aside from the mandatory child abuse training. In reality, almost any warm body will do. It is sad, but no one is willing to teach. Seems they just want to dump their kids off for a while so they can get the sacraments. I don’t see that many of the parents in church (ever), so for may of the kids, this is all they get for religion. Actual quote from my recent 7th grade class- “You mean it is a SIN to not go to church EVERY week? What if your parents won’t drive you?”
I know in my parish they ask just about anyone who breathes:eek: Nobody wants to teach anymore…
Completely true for me as well–they did submit my name to the county for a criminal background check, but other than that, anyone who is sucking wind and willing to take a class is conscripted.

On the other hand, the kids in class are not privy to the details of your friend’s lifestyle choices like you are. She will be provided with a text and a curriculum to present to the children–it’s not as if this woman is going to be doing an improv on Catholicism. And she’s not some random spoiler–she has a vested interest in getting it right with her son in the program. Consider that the original CCD teachers, the apostles, could hardly have been described as the epitome of ideal instructors!

One challenge can be questions from the kids which ALWAYS come up and rarely follow the lesson plan. Encourage and compliment your friend for her involvement and commitment, and perhaps encourage her to co-teach with a more educated or practicing Catholic. This just may be the “invitation” that brings her back into the fullness of the faith. And for all those who criticized or suggested she be ‘turned in’–remember that it is because the “regulars” refuse to participate that DRE’s are forced to beat the bushes for help!!
Island Oak:
Completely true for me as well–they did submit my name to the county for a criminal background check, but other than that, anyone who is sucking wind and willing to take a class is conscripted.

On the other hand, the kids in class are not privy to the details of your friend’s lifestyle choices like you are. She will be provided with a text and a curriculum to present to the children–it’s not as if this woman is going to be doing an improv on Catholicism. And she’s not some random spoiler–she has a vested interest in getting it right with her son in the program. Consider that the original CCD teachers, the apostles, could hardly have been described as the epitome of ideal instructors!

One challenge can be questions from the kids which ALWAYS come up and rarely follow the lesson plan. Encourage and compliment your friend for her involvement and commitment, and perhaps encourage her to co-teach with a more educated or practicing Catholic. This just may be the “invitation” that brings her back into the fullness of the faith. And for all those who criticized or suggested she be ‘turned in’–remember that it is because the “regulars” refuse to participate that DRE’s are forced to beat the bushes for help!!
Point taken. I’ve decided that I will never just drop my kids off & trust that the teacher is OK without doing some checking first - how long have you been teaching? Do you enjoy it? Have you been a member of this parish for some time? I’ll volunteer to teach myself or help out so I’m aware of what’s going on. I’m nervous enough about my soon to be 7th grader taking classes because he’s already told me that when he’s of age, he’s going back to our Evangelical Church. 😦
What is new?
This has been going on for 30 or more years in some places! Heartbreaking :crying:

Parents remain The Best teachers.

I believe that somehow in the end God Shepherds His flock.
We can do what God asks us to do. Maybe God wants you to be involved in a special way. Ask Him.
We have people on a “Waiting List” to be CCD teachers 👍

Every one our teachers is a practicing Catholic in very good standing. They KNOW the faith and love sharing it with our young people.

It starts with the DRE…What kind of education do they have and how faithful are they to the teachings of the church?..You get a good DRE, and you can pretty well bet that the teachers will good.
I thought you had to be credentialled as a catechist or something to teach - not true? I thought it was true in our Archidiocese…
I did teach in two different parishes and I was required to follow a guide book and go to a two day class. I did not stray from the set course. I would expect most people would do that. However, the people in charge make spot checks on the class too. I guess there is room for error.
I did teach in two different parishes and I was required to follow a guide book and go to a two day class. I did not stray from the set course. I would expect most people would do that. However, the people in charge make spot checks on the class too. I guess there is room for error.
I volunteered to help a friend teach CCD as part of the required Confirmation volunteer hours. I’ve been a Catholic in line with the teachings of the Church for most of my life and my friend was a good teacher (probably still is) so I doubt that the kids were taught incorrectly. I don’t remember anyone checking in on us to make sure we were teaching the right stuff.

my Mother my Confidence,
You know your friend and parish better than us.

My take on it is this, should your parish be active, faithful, and viligant. (eg. the parents of the kids in the class being active in their child’s CCD) then you have no worry. Your friend will have multiple parents to talk to.

If your parish is dull, dim, and incapable of defending itself against your friend, then you need to take an active part in seeing she doesn’t get the job (if possible). Do you teach?

Would your friend be open to you ‘helping’ her with the materials?

not an easy job, I know.
Best wishes.
Clarified this last evening - our Diocese requires all who work with children or teens have a criminal background check, have filled out a volunteer application (just like a job application, complete with references), interview with 2 people (DRE and Priest preferred), and have Virtus certification. They also highly recommend Level One CCD Certification (offered through the Diocese). This applies to any volunteer, CCD teacher, chaperone, VBS worker, musician, etc.

According to our DRE – if there were not enough teachers who are willing to follow the above, we will combine CCD classes. Should the entire parish only have one teacher – the DRE would teach one age group, and that teacher another. Children’s faith formation is far too important to play fast and loose with these requirements.

I’d be willing to wager that your Diocese has similar requirements – checking these out is still my recommendation.
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