If you are one of the fortunate women who has not had to deal with infertility, I can tell you right now that she is correct: you don’t- can’t- understand what she is going through. I know from personal experience that dealing with infertility can cause a bit of insanity. Even if you thought you didn’t want children, finding out that you cannot have them normally is a blow to the gut. It’s even worse if you do want them and are unable. She is not thinking rationally right now, and also does not have a faith such as yours to keep her on the moral straight and narrow. If you have children of your own that you conceived, carried, and bore naturally, through no fault of your own you are another nail on her personal cross (again, I speak from personal experience). You have fulfilled your duty to admonish the sinner and speak the truth. You are not helping by forcing the issue on someone who is grieving and not rational. Please do both of you a favor, step back, and pray as hard as you can for her. God works miracles where we cannot.