My friend came to me with a question…she knows I’m becoming Catholic and is really interested. She is always asking me questions. She told me she knows that the Catholic church thinks you should not use any type of birth control except natural family planning. This is her question: Her doctor said she will continue to be in extreme pain if she does not have a hysterectomy now. Does God look down on that?
Let me give you some background. She has a 3 yr. old daughter that she was told would never be here. She had been told that she would never be able to conceive let alone carry a baby to term. Her daughter is her miracle child. Since she was born, my friend has had horrible problems. She has had more cists than I can even count. She is ALWAYS in extreme pain. She sometimes can’t even move and thats with the help of pain meds. Its interfering with her taking care of her child. During the day her husband isn’t there to help her out so its really hard. We have gone to the er on many occasions because the pain was just to much and she needed stronger pain meds. Her doctor is saying the only way is a hysterectomy.
I think in time she might consider coming with me to Mass. She knows how much a relaxing experience it has been to me and she can see a change in me since I started going. She thinks God won’t love her. I’ve told her over and over that God will love you no matter what. Thats why he is GOD!!
Any help or advice you can give me so I can help her would be great!!
Let me give you some background. She has a 3 yr. old daughter that she was told would never be here. She had been told that she would never be able to conceive let alone carry a baby to term. Her daughter is her miracle child. Since she was born, my friend has had horrible problems. She has had more cists than I can even count. She is ALWAYS in extreme pain. She sometimes can’t even move and thats with the help of pain meds. Its interfering with her taking care of her child. During the day her husband isn’t there to help her out so its really hard. We have gone to the er on many occasions because the pain was just to much and she needed stronger pain meds. Her doctor is saying the only way is a hysterectomy.
I think in time she might consider coming with me to Mass. She knows how much a relaxing experience it has been to me and she can see a change in me since I started going. She thinks God won’t love her. I’ve told her over and over that God will love you no matter what. Thats why he is GOD!!
Any help or advice you can give me so I can help her would be great!!