I just had a very emotional conversation with a very good friend. She is suffering from depression. She recently went through a break-up after 12 years in a relationship. It was unhealthy in every way. They were engaged, and lived together most of that time (no children). Anyway, her self-esteem is so very low. She is a beautiful, intelligent person and just can’t get past the sadness. She isn’t longing for her past relationship, but is feeling the effects of having been verbally/emotionally abused. She is seeng a counseler (has been for 2yrs) and I talked her into getting back on anti-depression med.
I just don’t know what else to do for her. She will sit at home all weekend and not leave or call anyone. She told me if she wasn’t Christian she may have already hurt herself.
She seems to think she such a bad person and I told her to give all to Him and just let go. She is having such a hard time doing that. What can I do? And, then I feel guilty because I have a loving husband and beautiful child. I just want to help her. I do and will continue to pray for her, but there has to be something else…
She is 35 and single and alone and that hurts her so much. She wants to be in a happy, healthy relationship. I feel so sad that I can’t help her…
By the way she is not Catholic, but Lutheren.
Thanks for advice or experience you may have with this type of situation.
I just don’t know what else to do for her. She will sit at home all weekend and not leave or call anyone. She told me if she wasn’t Christian she may have already hurt herself.
She seems to think she such a bad person and I told her to give all to Him and just let go. She is having such a hard time doing that. What can I do? And, then I feel guilty because I have a loving husband and beautiful child. I just want to help her. I do and will continue to pray for her, but there has to be something else…
She is 35 and single and alone and that hurts her so much. She wants to be in a happy, healthy relationship. I feel so sad that I can’t help her…
By the way she is not Catholic, but Lutheren.
Thanks for advice or experience you may have with this type of situation.