Friends/Family Converted - pleasant surprise!

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I was wondering if anyone else has any wonderful stories of friends or family who have converted to Catholicism - especially those whom you would least expect it from?

I actually became a non denominational Christian when I was about 9 years old. I did the whole " asking Jesus into my heart" thing. I was evangelized to by a friend who lived on the same street who came from a very faithful Christian family from Northern Ireland. I went to church with her a few times and we became great friends and went to summer Bible camps together.

We lost touch when we were about 14 and at that point, she suffered the loss of her mother to lung cancer. I know she went to different churches in her area during the cancer and some churches focused on healing her mom. When it didn’t work, one church even rejected her family for not being faithful enough.

We met up again when we were 19 after one year of University. She was attending a Christian private university in another part of the country.

I converted when I was 19 and never told her as we lost touch again. I actually felt as though she would be very dissapointed in me. I prayed for her.

I just got back into contact with her on Facebook and she has since gotten married and had two kids. Her husband is Catholic so she looked into the faith and she has converted and feels home now! Unbelievable! I would never have guessed! We are both so astounded that we began our journey’s together and now are meeting up again after finding the true Christian church.

Her family, however, was very dissaproving of her ( remember they are from Northern Ireland ). She had been misinformed her whole life about what Catholics believe.

I am just beside myself with happiness that we are both in the right place now.
Thank you Jesus for this wonderful testimony of love and friendship, all ending in your House Jesus. Praise God! We thank You Lord, Giver of all good things, for these Your gifts and all Your mercies, and we bless Your holy name forever. Amen.
I have a return to the Church story…I kept running into an old friend (for the past ten years). We are both single (never married). This last time, we found out we live in the same town. He was convinced we were meant to be more than just friends and how God was bringing us together. Well, I squashed that idea because as I put it…
  1. I will only date a Catholic guy because I would like to marry a Catholic man and raise a Catholic family.
  2. I was a virgin and will remain that way until I’m married.
  3. I would never use contraceptives because I am open to having as many children as God wants me to
I just didn’t think he would fit into my conservative view. He stuck around for 7 months knowing I wouldn’t give him a chance (he was a lapsed Catholic). Just 2 weeks ago he asked if he can start attending mass with me. Little did I know God had plans for me to help him. I couldn’t ask for a better Catholic guy…
My brother in law and his wife have been attending mass with us. He has expressed interest in the church before, but this weekend he told his parents they were all going to join the church!!!

I am very excited as his wife is my best friend, and now my girls favorite cousin will go to school with them (they go to the parish school). They are so excited.

Both were raised in very restrictive protestant families. Both had told me many times that they didn’t believe “any of it”, told me christians were jugemental, and uptight. But after attending mass with me a few times, and I think more important, lots of church and school activities they were both taken with the lack of judgemental people and the love they felt. He told me he felt like he belonged with these people, no one told him he was “bad”, wrong, or not dressed nice enough. We are still trying to get the RCIA classes together, our church offers them on Wed. nights, and he has classes that night, but I think it is a big step and will be proud to stand up with them, and hope God will let me be an example of his love for them.

On the other hand, his mother was pretty upset, it is apparently worse to be catholic than to be a non-beleiver. She’s always had problems with my faith, her and the pastor counseled my husband to leave me and our son because “no good will come of marrying a catholic” Now I think she may hate me, even though it is not my doing, but the Lord’s. My hubby joined the church after he had that little talk with him, again he was impressed with the true love that was shown by the church to ALL God’s people. We have lived in 4 states, and always felt at home at the local church. I am just so excited, Thank You God for bringing your lost sheep home to you.
I got goose bumps reading your story. Thank you for sharing! It gives me hope that some of my own family and friends will find their way.
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