I left a small quote at Jimmy Akin’s blog when they brought up this book. I finished reading it the other day and I have to say it is quite good.
But (like I said before) conspiracy theories are extremely problematic. They are spawned not by evidence, but by the lack thereof. Shakespeare is a man of many enigmas and his background has always invited all sorts of speculation. It seems that every generation has something to say about the man (or woman) behind the pen. Another problem with conspiracy theories is that people who believe in them have a very convenient catch-all: they can discount any evidence to the contrary as being just part of the coverup.
We as Catholics know what it is like to be the subject of the most bizarre obfuscations. How does one prove that ours in not the secret church of Satan? Anyone who has been frustrated by long hours trying to persuade a friend, family member or colleague why Dan Brown is full of it understands what I mean. It is really hard to prove a negative. It is very easy to construct a vast and exciting tapestry based on what we do not know. I mean think about it, Dan Brown is about as bright as a bag of hammers – if he can do it, pretty much anyone can.
On the other hand, though, the mystery of Shakespeare the man remains unsolved. It would be very much against human nature to dogmatically ignore the holes in our understanding. Personally, I have ALWAYS suspected.
The story of Hamlet was one of the major moments in my life where I began to question the idea Sola Fide. The play makes it clear that when you say (or think, or believe) you are going to do something but always find an excuse to back out, you contradict yourself. You become a sort of living lie, impotent and meaningless. Sola Fide, that absurd idea that breaks the necessary link between body and soul, thereby turning Aquinas on his head, is not only unbiblical, but completely untrue in a universal sense that everyone can understand once the politics of the issue of “my god vs your god” are put aside.
Also, this book differs from most conspiracies in that the material in question is well-known and studied, as well as readily available (probably second to the Bible in popularity among English speakers). This is not obscure “secret knowledge,” hidden documents, rare camera footage, or out of print media. This is Shakespeare and I think Asquith gets a big fat thumbs up for having the kintama to put out the idea, and then say “Okay, scour the works for yourself.”
The book is sparse in this sense – not that it does not offer evidence. I suggest reading it yourself, though, before passing judgment. Anyone who reads the Gospel of Thomas can immediately understand why it is not in the Bible.
Shakespeare has always loomed large on my Papa-dar.