I’ve recently felt that I should rediscover the Catholic faith. To put a long story short, I became a member of Wicca, and have now arrived at a place where I know what I’ve been doing is wrong, and am working on becoming a better Catholic. However, my friends remain Pagan, and although they know nothing about my returning to Catholocism ( I haven’t quite braved that hurdle yet, altough I make it a point not to talk about or practice any type of Paganism with them), they seem to believe that to be Christian is synonymous with being “conformist”. If I were to tell them about my decision…Well, I think they would look at me as someone who’s just bent to someone else’s will rather than having made a personal choice on my own. I know that friends aren’t the ones who should dictate to you what you should believe, nor am I condoning that belief, I’m merely afraid that they will lose respect for me and no longer see me as they used to.I find it really hard to be around them and not want to go along with what they’re saying and doing just to keep their approval…They’ve been great friends otherwise, and I don’t want to lose them over something so trivial as prejudice toward religion. What makes me feel the worst is that I was the one who started this all, I was the one to first capture their interest in Paganism, and only now do I realize what a dangerous trap I’ve pulled them into. And now that I’m moving towards a better faith in the Catholic Church, I realize what I’ve done. If there is any advice you could provide me…any at all, I would greatly appreciate it.
Love Always and From,
Karynna Raye
Love Always and From,
Karynna Raye