Friends' Wedding

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Hello! One of my friends is planning on getting married soon, and I was wondering if it would be morally acceptable for me to attend the wedding. Neither of them are Catholic, but I’ve heard that the church accepts weddings between non-Catholics, so there should be no problem there. The problem is that I know for a fact these two have been having premarital sex. Part of me thinks that, well, it’s a good thing that they’re getting married because then they’ll be morally allowed to have sex, but I’m a bit worried that coming to the wedding will show support for their actions. What should I do? Thanks!
They’re marriage validity doesn’t hinge on whether or not they had sex
If we could not attend the weddings of people who have sinned in the past, well, we’d never get to do the Chicken Dance or eat that cake!
Coming to the wedding will show support for the wedding. Attend!

Attending a wedding isn’t about showing approval/disapproval for a person’s past actions. It’s not a reward/punishment or about judgement in favour or against the people involved “as people”. It’s about serving as a witness for a sacrament (or at least ritual) of marital commitment to a well-ordered, healthy union between one man and one woman open to life. Even on the purely natural level, it’s been shown that the more people attend a wedding, the less likely a couple are to divorce (perhaps psychological pressure from how public the commitment was; who knows).

Assuming you have no reason to believe the couple is categorically unable to meet the criteria of entering into a real marriage, then it’s a great blessing that they’ve chosen to get married rather than continue to commit the sin of fornication! Absolutely attend to affirm this movement in a good direction.
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Part of me thinks that, well, it’s a good thing that they’re getting married because then they’ll be morally allowed to have sex, but I’m a bit worried that coming to the wedding will show support for their actions. What should I do? Thanks!
No, it will show support for their wedding. It’s not endorsing the fact that they’ve had premarital sex. As several others have said, if we had to boycott all weddings where the parties had sinned in some way, we’d attend zero weddings.
Pick one of a thousand reasons. The OP is not excited about going, the OP us judging (right or wrong) the couple as not holding up the values he holds. The OP may not be wanted there if that is the feeling he has, the OP wants to voice a protest by not attending, The OP could be scandalized by etc… or perhaps I just took a contrary position on an issue that really has no right answer. The OP can go, or not go. We were asked to weigh in. I choose not go!!!
Pick one of a thousand reasons. The OP is not excited about going, the OP us judging (right or wrong) the couple as not holding up the values he holds. The OP may not be wanted there if that is the feeling he has, the OP wants to voice a protest by not attending, The OP could be scandalized by etc… or perhaps I just took a contrary position on an issue that really has no right answer. The OP can go, or not go. We were asked to weigh in. I choose not go!!!
You sound angry and I’m not sure why. In the context of this discussion, saying “don’t go to the wedding” without further explanation seems to imply that going to the wedding would be wrong. It’s not against Church teaching to attend the valid wedding of a couple who has had premarital sex.
Christian weddings show the love of God and the healing presence of Jesus by bringing two people together as one flesh. To attend a Christian wedding is to support the very love Jesus gives to each of us. This is a most wonderful thing.

Everyone on the planet has sinned so if we aren’t allowed to go to weddings of sinners, well, we won’t be going to any weddings anytime soon will we. Not to mention Jesus went to the Wedding at Cana, bet they were two sinners like every other human, yet Jesus still attended.
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Not angry at all. To me this type of poll thread is entertaining. The Op asked what our opinions are about going. I said I wouldn’t go. That’s my opinion. It isn’t wrong or right. The issue is not really one of morality.
Jesus went to the Wedding of Cana with two sinners marrying each other.
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