From a talk on testing spirits--the good things

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Divine Spirit
  1. truth–false opinions=devils and/or human spirit
2)gravity–God does not move us to spirit of futile things
  1. enlightenment–opposed to darkness and confusion
  2. docility–recognizing one’s own weakness and ignorance
    accepting councel and spiritual guidance of superiors (like spiritual directors)
    spirit of obedience
  3. discretion–prudent, discreet, thoughtful, calm
  4. humility–self-effacing (one of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s most certain signs
  5. peace–deep/profound
  6. confidence in God–consequence of humility
  7. flexibility of will–promptness to follow inspirations of God (no excuses–such as of tiredness or too busy)
  8. purity of intention
  9. patience and suffering–when subject to justice or injustice against you
  10. self-abnegation
  11. simplicity–no vanity arrogance or duplicity
  12. liberty of spirit–no attachment to creatures or even God’s gifts
    Priest knew one who could stop doing something he was absorbed in in order to help someone who needed his help
  13. desire to imitate Christ
  14. disinterested love–doing anything necessary for others with disregard to own comfort or safety even–Maximillian Kolbe’s example at the concentration camp
(The priest’s writing was not always legible or written large enough but this is what I got down on paper. He mentioned a book by a Dominican named Fr. Royo (sp?) Marin but I don’t know if this stuff is in any of his books).
demonic spirit–angel of light (started well but then…)
  1. spirit of falsity–lies and half-truths
  2. morbid curiosity–pointless knowledge (like studying to be on Jeopardy)
  3. confusion–anxiety/darkness
  4. obstinacy–one of surest signs of a diabolic spirit (demons being exorcised show it)/stubbornness
  5. constant indiscretion–not doing or refusing duties of state of life
    self love
    extreme penitential behavior
    a religious not taking recreation when scheduled
  6. pride/vanity
  7. restlessness and unnecessary activity–no time for composure or rest (for example, driving around going nowhere really)
  8. false humility–“You’re smart”. “No I’m not”. one must not take credit for smartness
  9. despair–lack of confidence/discouragement
  10. presumptuous–unfounded optimism/vain security
  11. disobedience
  12. selfish motives
  13. impatience
  14. rebellion of passions–visible inclinations to evil
  15. hypocrisy
  16. attachments to consolations/creatures–feeling holy because of a feeling
  17. neglect of imitation of Christ
  18. feigned charity–scrupulous law followers–fanatic zeal (terrorists, for example–maybe an extreme example)
(desiring charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit is at least a venial sin
the gifts don’t bring one merit, but it benefits others and Church)
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