"From Jesus to Christ" FRONTLINE & Gnostics

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I came across confirmation of my suspicion that Gnosticism was a pre-Christian belief system in the Rockhurst (Jesuit) University archives. Gnosticism is actually a rebellion against truth so repugnant that pagan Roman philosophers railed against their bogus constructs and their phony “ancient” scriptures. Watching PBS’ “FROM JESUS TO CHRIST”
and hearing Professor Elaine Pagels comments salted with Gnostic overtones gave me pause. Pagels’ Nag Hamadi publishing has continued over a period of decades. The Dead Sea Scrolls have been a source of continuing curiosity but these are from a time when scrolls were preserved because they were scrolls, not because they were revealed truth. Pagels gives Gnostics a forum, and has: postulated Paul was Gnostic; but claims John was not Gnostic and his Gospel was a repudiation of Gnosticism. Uh, wasn’t that thesis first put forth in an article in “30 Days in the Church & the World”? Is Pagels plagiarizing?

Instead of emphatically noting that Gnosticism was both pre-Christian and anti-Christian, Pagels’ insinuates the [patriarchal] Church bullied this valid heritage into extinction; and that women have been marginalized in Christianity whereas Gnostics allow participation in rituals. That participation, had Pagels been honest, was to become a sacred prostitute, the unspoken punchline in The DaVinci Code where Sophie was to become ensconced behind the chapel in this sacred duty of continuing the “Jesus genes.” And Gnostic literature is openly anti-female and pro-homosexual. Their fake “Jesus” has to work a miracle to get women into Heaven; and was having intimate relations with a male child raised from the dead. Ugh. This is ear-tickling stuff has been profitable for publishers.

Always studying and never coming to a conclusion, female-hating Gnosticism will continue as it has for decades to be a profitable pool of demonic doubt whether the channeled “Jesus” or the recycled Gnostics of the Dead Sea Scrolls, preserved as valuable scrolls, not valuable teachings in a culture that was pre-canonical.

Anybody else have any skin-crawling moments in watching “From Jesus to Christ”?
I understand why the Gnostics reached such seemingly radical conclusions. They started as jewish sects and I think the originals were the Sethians, who held that Seth was the first Messiah andthat Cain was the good one who was betrayed by “The Lord of this world”

Suppose you had not grown up with being taught that the Bible is the word of God and that it therefore contains the definition of what is good.
Suppose you could nullify your judgement completely. If you actually read the Old Testament and make a judgement of the character of the one the Israelite’s describe as their Lord, who is jelaous, commands slaughters, wars etc. Is it really so radical to assume that the exact opposite of what is described as “good” in the Old Testament is the real Good?

I can actually understand their sentiment. Although I agree with Father Barron’s sentiment that the Israelites, being a warlike tribe tried to describe the supreme good of God in allegories of militarism.
What people like Elaine Pagels and the likes proclaim as “Gnostic” with goddess worship etc I believe are modern inventions.

Gnosticism was merged with hermeticism and went underground in magickal orders and appear to us today in secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Ordo Templi Orientis etc.
Yes, the perversion of the revealed word of the Creator started in the Garden of Eden. Instilling doubt, Satan (“Adversary”) reverses the order to eat all but one into eat all. This “eat all” wipes out options, so no free will able to be manifest. TMI? Yeah…

So the Creator curses Lucifer, the enlightened “Shining One” and his minions with the Woman & Seed, and that cultus was HUGE! in the ancient world per Savinah Teubal in her Sarah the [EN] Priestess. Teubal says her publisher made her change it to “priestess” when the office is one of EN, woman of “grace” or queen/gwena/gyne, foe of Lucifer. And the so-called “patriarchal revolution” threw down her mommy-faced landmarks, stole her land, enslaved or killed daddy, and made her a temple prostitute and sacrificed her children because she was the “IT” girl, the EN, the foe. This is played out in Sargon the Great’s background with his EN mommy (monotheist good guys) saving him from sacrifice by floating him in the irrigation ditch (the adoption method of choice as putting kids on doorsteps was a good way to get them eaten by wild dogs). The bad guys are whipped by Sargon and their headquarters is Ur of the Chaldees, “Ur” simply meaning “city.” This is an old-timey war going on today.

And that’s why to be Jewish is through one’s mom. Daddy didn’t count if for no other reason than during the “patriarchal revolution” which was actually the Satanic foe, strangers were visiting the good guy temple prostitutes/EN who were enslaved by the Satanistas. Teubal says Abraham & Sarah were free to marry as having different moms because they were considered totally unrelated. And as with Sargon and Moses there’s always a triumphant remnant.

In the beginning, the whole world had the creation account, marriage, modesty standards, and a flood account. Everybody. No excuses for departing from this. But the Babylonians particularly perverted all in the Chaldean vein and said Cain and Abel were reversed with their Enki & Enlil and that the gods were slave masters and so forth. Satanism reverses all that is revealed. It’s easy to trace in that respect. Everybody had monotheism, to counter popular notions, and this was preserved in decadent form sometimes but still extant. The corrupted form is just humans making mistakes, but the Satanic form is reversal. So Akhenaton revived monotheism, and gave concessions to the Hebrews for no reason except honoring this remnant of right-ness.

The blasting of various populations was actually a reclamation of land, those thrown-down landmarks of the EN, the Woman & Seed system of the Creator. Those eradicated populations that as we can see with Moses’ health strictures brought STD’s and so forth were the enemy of life, the Arya “Not-Yah” types who were religious pervs, like the priest Lugalan from Ur of the Chaldees under Sargon who tried to rape his daughter to seize lands flowing through the EN lineage. Everybody knew the rules and these types chose to go to war against the Woman & Seed, marriage, modesty, and the Creator Himself. Feh. Yes the Hebrews picked up Gnostic rebel mythos in Babylon as did the Crusaders, who had a subculture within the Knights Templar of homosexuality (anti-marriage) and adoring John the Baptist as messiah incarnate. This rebellion is from Satan. Old. But the good guys can be traced through their fabulous high-concept, low-tech chemistry, math, engineering, mining, refining…Babylon has corrupted astrology from the good guys astronomy and mud bricks while Philition/Melchizedek/Shem has the Great Pyramid memorial to the Flood and sepulcher for Adam’s bones and orthodoxy.

The war against the bad guys was another clearing of the Petri dish as was the Flood. There was no hope for civilization if the death dealers had been allowed to live, as we see with Esther who had to deal with the ones who got away and wanted to eradicate the Hebrews. That’s NO GOOD! So it is with the population controllers today like Barbara Marx Hubbard and other New Agers outed by the brilliant compilation of New Age research by an Israeli housewife with her tent peg handy, Hannah Newman’s, “THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA” available online. philologos.org/__eb-trs/

Here’s the “Who Was Abraham?” essay showing–kinda–that Abraham was a kinsman of those in the Middle East he was to displace as in buying the Machpelah caves for Sarah, “Are you not a prince among our people?” Heavens, yes, but he was a born-again monotheist and was going to pay cash up front and get a clear title as King David wisely did.


My caveat is that there is and was a war, and the ripoff artists took over cultural stuff that wasn’t theirs or reversed roles and contradicted what the Creator said and did. So people like Joseph Campbell throw together the good guy lineage with the bad guy lineage that usurped land and mythos they perverted. Beware.
Media serves its master, usually a large corporation requiring its profits. Why would you expect anything else? I don’t know why you would give such a program the time of day. Watch grass grow or something, its more honest and conducive to the Truth.

Why do people always do that, here smell this it will make you sick and vomit?
I agree, I agree, I was just checking in on what the other side is up to…Just gotta remember to put on my rubber barn boots.:onpatrol: Worst example of this is checking in on N.A.M.B.L.A. every once and again. Ugh! But I did catch the “North American Man-Boy Love” website (now sited in Denmark after lawsuits here stemming from a child murder) featuring two pseudo-feministas, uh, whassa names…Camille Paglia and Kate Millett…promoting partying with kids, to put it nicely.
Like a dog returning to its vomit, western culture/society is seeking to live as in the days of Rome before the influence of Christian understanding. And what you describe was acceptable in Roman culture. Once the Christian community understands this, they won’t be so dismayed when the next step comes to pass.

If there was no restoration of Israel to the Israelites as is happening now, it would be a business as usual in the hammering back of a back sliding of society, but I don’t think that is the time we live in anymore. It’s a matter of not much time for the return of the Lord Jesus to Jerusalem.
Thank God there is a thread here to discuss this. I flipped to a channel last night when EWTN had a rerun on and I came to “PBS From Jesus to Christ” Frontline. I thought “this should be interesting”

I’ve never been so nauseas in my entire life. These puedo-intellectuals, spewing such a benign version of Christianity and pandering to mainline Protestants.

Not ONCE did they mention a Pope, not once was a Catholic Priest or a monk. or a nun, or a friar interviewed, never did they mention any of the “Fathers of the Church” or saints, and God forbid, they NEVER even said the word “Catholic”.

The underlying sub-plot of this narrative, was to say “see, Constantine was the founder of the Catholic Church, not Jesus”

It’s sad. We need to get the truth out there. This type of programing is why Christianity is fading in the west.
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