From Padre Pio for your enjoyment

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****I stumbled upon these today on the site formerly know as petersnet. I thought you might like a little spiritual bouquet, as they say. I especially like the second and have always found great comfort thinking about God’s great care for his children, sort of like the Issaiah quote about the bruised reed he will not break.

Padre Pio’s five maxims for living a devout life
"The first one I desire you to cherish is from St Paul: ‘All things work together for the good of those who love God’ (Rom 8:28).

"The second maxim that I desire you to keep for ever engraved on your heart is that God is our Father; and what do you have to fear as the daughter of such a father whose providence would not let a hair of your head be harmed?

"The third maxim is that you must observe what the divine Master teaches his disciples: ‘What do you lack?’ The disciples answered that they lacked nothing. When you were troubled even at the time when you unfortunately did not feel much confidence in God, tell me, were you never oppressed by anxiety? You will answer, ‘No’. So, I will reply, ‘Why do you not have the strength to overcome all the other trials?’.

“The fourth maxim concerns eternity. Living these brief and fleeting moments should not matter much to the children of God, since they will live for eternity in glory with God.”

"The fifth maxim that I implore you to keep fixed in your mind is that of the Apostle St Paul: ‘Far be it from me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Gal 6:14). Treasure in your heart the crucified Jesus Christ and all the crosses of the world will seem like roses. Those who have been pricked by the crown of thorns of the Saviour, who is our Head, do not feel the other wounds.**

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Would anyone like to share more about Padre Pio?
Thank you, Pug. The first one is what I lean on for my whole life - *omnia in bonum * - all unto good.


Thanks so much for this…it couldn’t have been more timely…
Padre Pio’s five maxims for living a devout life
"The first one I desire you to cherish is from St Paul: ‘All things work together for the good of those who love God’ (Rom 8:28).
This has always been one of my favorites and I needed to be reminded of this … Annunciata:) God is good!
I stumbled upon these today on the site formerly know as petersnet. I thought you might like a little spiritual bouquet, as they say. I especially like the second and have always found great comfort thinking about God’s great care for his children, sort of like the Issaiah quote about the bruised reed he will not break.

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Would anyone like to share more about Padre Pio?** I love Padre Pio. I will briefly (I hope tell you a couple miracles I had from Padre Pio)
I always had a relic when I went to Catholic school and a couple of years ago I asked my mom what happened to that relic. She laughed since it had been years.
When I woke up the next morning there on my night stand was a relic from Padre Pio not the same type of medal I had years before)
The day after my mom died the relic that I wore as a young girl I found on the seat of my car as I was getting in on a rainy day from the grocery store. It was a gift from my deceased mother.
Also before my nephew decided to go to the priesthood the picture of Padre Pio fell from my parents wall (and it was Padre Pio’s birthday the day he decided to go to Poland and seek his vocation to the priesthood. Now even my sister new this was from my mother, since my mother had such a devotion to Padre Pio. I would love to hear more stories shared on him.😉
ah, padre pio. thanks for the wisdom. i especially loved the bit about ‘lacking nothing’. very wise.
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