My name is Vincent and have returned to Catholicism due to Mr. Keating, James Akin, Scott Hahn, Robert Sungenis, Mark Shea etc…
I was Born Again Christian for 6 years and I thank God every day for the apologists that help bring me back. In repayment I have been involved with on-line evangelism for several years.
I usually post on www.envoymagazine.com. One of my most rewarding experiences was a ministry that I was apart of in California where we had guest speakers come to the church and teach doctrine.
I was able to open up for several guest speakers. Alex Jones, Jesse Romero and Tim Staples. In each I gave a short doctrinal talk on why I came back to the Catholic church. These talks were in front of anywhere from 400 - 600 people per talk. Sorry, Karl I was about to have you and your staff out, but I have moved to Virginia. Not sure what they are doing now.
Lastly, I had a debate on a fundamentalist radio station called Retaking America. It was interesting since it was ex-Catholic verses ex-Protestant. I received a lot of positive feedback and would like to have another to finish off the justification debate. Unfortunately or fortunately (however you look at it) Most ex-Catholics never knew their faith. My opponent proved to be of the same ilk.
While I do not consider myself an apologist, I am very comfortable with the term Evangelist.
May God Bless You All
My name is Vincent and have returned to Catholicism due to Mr. Keating, James Akin, Scott Hahn, Robert Sungenis, Mark Shea etc…

I was Born Again Christian for 6 years and I thank God every day for the apologists that help bring me back. In repayment I have been involved with on-line evangelism for several years.
I usually post on www.envoymagazine.com. One of my most rewarding experiences was a ministry that I was apart of in California where we had guest speakers come to the church and teach doctrine.
I was able to open up for several guest speakers. Alex Jones, Jesse Romero and Tim Staples. In each I gave a short doctrinal talk on why I came back to the Catholic church. These talks were in front of anywhere from 400 - 600 people per talk. Sorry, Karl I was about to have you and your staff out, but I have moved to Virginia. Not sure what they are doing now.

Lastly, I had a debate on a fundamentalist radio station called Retaking America. It was interesting since it was ex-Catholic verses ex-Protestant. I received a lot of positive feedback and would like to have another to finish off the justification debate. Unfortunately or fortunately (however you look at it) Most ex-Catholics never knew their faith. My opponent proved to be of the same ilk.
While I do not consider myself an apologist, I am very comfortable with the term Evangelist.
May God Bless You All