From Protestant to Catholic Ministry

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How can I possibly resume working in ministry teaching the Word of God? I am an ordained Elder/Pastor who converted to the Catholic faith from being protestant, but I at the same time would like to continue working in ministry in some way without having to live in community?
I hold fast to all the teachings of the Catholic Church… But I feel a little empty as I have not been doing any teaching for a while… What are my options? I visited with a vocations director about a year ago… But I didn’t want to go away for 9 years. Considering that I am already ordained clergy… I just need to dive deep into thoroughly studying my Catholic faith.
Have you thought about the Deaconate? Might be worth exploring that. Although my understanding is that it is a 7 year program these days. I’m sure some of our Deacons on here can certainly comment about that much better than I, but its just a thought.

I don’t understand - would you like to be ordained in the Catholic Church or take on ministry roles as a lay person?

I can’t answer much about your situation and ordination, but there is a fabulous Lay Ecclesial Ministry movement happening in the Church now as a response to Vatican II’s universal call to holiness. Looks like Arch Chicago is the epicenter of the movement with a very formalized program of 3 years of Formation days on Saturdays at the seminary + a Masters in Pastoral Studies or Theology or Divinity. Afterwards, those people can use the titles of “Direct of Religious Education” or “Pastoral Associate” but those who are not Lay Ecclesial Ministers cannot use the regulated titles. It will be cool to see what the landscape looks like in another decade if this program of formation and scholarship is adopted by other Diocese.

Good luck to you! I pray you find what you are looking for
OP, don’t let the evil one convince you that you must have a definite job and title in order to serve our Lord and Savior. Our first job is to live the “Good News”. That may be the totality of our ministry for all of our lives. But this is a divine calling. Take care and know that God is using you. In the future, you may have a different job, but for now, be obedient to God and His Church doing what you are asked to do with joy and happiness.

i know what yo mean-that ‘wait’ and see -can be frustrating…as a middle ground/ to see what happens in the next few weeks/ monasteries usualy have huge libraries…so if there is gas money available-a daily visit to one, if available-might help; for the long term…a maze of situations seem to pop up-but i believe your OP seeks to find by discernment; finding just the right book-might add to what you already know-but if i have gotten off the point…i find that the atmosphere of the monastery is helpful…and praying the divine office is helpful…well thanks…for posting…
How can I possibly resume working in ministry teaching the Word of God? I am an ordained Elder/Pastor who converted to the Catholic faith from being protestant, but I at the same time would like to continue working in ministry in some way without having to live in community?
I hold fast to all the teachings of the Catholic Church… But I feel a little empty as I have not been doing any teaching for a while… What are my options? I visited with a vocations director about a year ago… But I didn’t want to go away for 9 years. Considering that I am already ordained clergy… I just need to dive deep into thoroughly studying my Catholic faith.
Welcome to the Catholic Church a Convert like myself, what crossed my mind when I read your blog was why don’t you get in touch with Marcus Grodi from the Journey Home Network on EWTN he knows a lot of people and might know someone or something to put your way, as a Convert Minister himself he would be great to point you in the right direction, try to google the "Coming Home Network of Marcus Grodi and send him an E-mail.

God Bless, walk with the Lord.
My first thought was for you to consider the permanent diaconate. Deacons are clergy and often are requested to teach in the parishes on Sacred Scripture. They also may give homilies when requested to do so by the pastor. They also often times preside over weddings and baptisms. Of course, many qualified lay people lead bible studies and whatnot, so you have options short of the religious life in community.
You may want to look into the “Coming Home Network,” which is mainly aimed at helping former Protestants in their journey “home” to the Catholic church. It also has resources and support for Protestant ministers who have converted. The website is:

Please check it out!
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