I’m asking this question from my girlfriends account. About 10 years ago I was in the seminary and I left after two years. I left very rashly due to family issues that I was having a difficult time dealing with. I dated several women befor I met my current girlfriend. In August of last year I had decided that this upcoming June I would reenter the seminary. By October I met my girlfriend and I couldn’t imagine being with anybody else but her. She’s the type of woman I always envisioned I would marry if marriage is my vocation. I love her with all my heart and I can honestly say she’s perfect in every way both for me and just as a human being. The problem is I still feel a calling both to marriage and the priesthood. I would love to marry my current girlfriend, but It is difficult for me to see myself as a father. In addition, despite how much I feel Pulled to being married to her, I still feel that I’m receiving signs in regards the priest as well. People ask me if I’m going to be a priest, I will open the Bible to read something about a priest, and certain mystics have told me they can imagine me as a priest. My girlfriend is a very big part of my life and as you can tell I’m very frustrated with my discernment currently. I’ve been discerning now for about19 years and wish I could find a definitive answer to what the Lord is asking me to do. It was very intentional that my girlfriend and I had Met and the Lord made it very clear that he wanted us to date. My girlfriend and I discussed this, she is indicated The Lord has made it very clear to her that she is meant to get married and that intern her vocation most likely would be with me. I guess I’m just reaching out to see if anybody has any advice or any spiritual exercises that I can do in order to figure out what the Lord is asking of me. I want to be fair to her and I’ve been open with her about everything. If anybody else also has any experiences that may be able to help please feel free to share those as well. Thank you for reading and God bless.