Frustrated. Need to Vent! Catholic Liberals driving me crazy

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Liberal American Catholics are really grating on my nerves, and I’m really trying to control this. I’m just getting tired of them saying, ease up on contraception, abortion isn’t really murder, lets ordain women!

To me, it seems American Catholic Liberals want a cafeteria, Mc Donaldsesque Catholicism, pick and choose buffet-style what they want to follow and believe.

I’m telling you all YOU CAN’T!!! It is called Doctrine, the Church let alone the Pope CAN NOT change this, get it through to your hearts and repent on this border line heresy train of thought. Please for the love of God, pray that the Holy Ghost will guide you in your thoughts and deeds, please!

You know I’m really seriously contemplating moving to Europe somewhere to a grassroot region. It seems like American Liberals are taking over the Church here, and their numbers are growing! Is this my perception, or do others think this way?
Poland would be about the only place you could go. Isn’t Europe just as bad?!?! I think the tide has been turning and will continue to turn. I think you’re feeling angry because of the media’s take on some “Catholics” opinions in the wake of the Pope’s death. Not ony does the media not get it, the “Catholics” themselves don’t get it! Stay, fight the good fight.
I want to move out of the US. If I ever become a priest, I hope I never have to come back. America’s a great country, but her people are tearing her apart. Kind of like the Church.
Ask yourself this when you feel the desire to run away: would Christ? Pray to the saints and our Blessed Mother for intercession and most of all, pray to God for the strength to stand up proudly for the truth. nike248, if you become a priest, and my prayers are with you as you discern your vocation, America NEEDS desperately, strong priests who will stand before them and preach the Gospel. Don’t leave those of us behind who need the guidance of the Church.

Is it right to leave the fox in the hen house because he has already snatched a couple of hens? So should we abandon our misguided brothers and sister to stand up to the devil himself when they already show weakness? Pray for them and for our Church. Stand strong and have faith! God bless.
Ask yourself this when you feel the desire to run away: would Christ? Pray to the saints and our Blessed Mother for intercession and most of all, pray to God for the strength to stand up proudly for the truth. nike248, if you become a priest, and my prayers are with you as you discern your vocation, America NEEDS desperately, strong priests who will stand before them and preach the Gospel. Don’t leave those of us behind who need the guidance of the Church.

Is it right to leave the fox in the hen house because he has already snatched a couple of hens? So should we abandon our misguided brothers and sister to stand up to the devil himself when they already show weakness? Pray for them and for our Church. Stand strong and have faith! God bless.
Great post!!!

Thanks !!
You do make a point, thanks for the uplifting. 😃 I just feel like I am getting bogged down sometimes, like I’m in a mire and its hard to maneuver.

I’ll pray for them never the less.
I agree totally, the only think worse than the ignorant media calling JP2’s papacy a watsed “opportunity for reform” is the wishy-washy detractors within the Church itself.

Teachings on contraception, homosexuality, abortion, female clergy (and so on) are all definitive. They will not and CANNOT be changed, and I thank God for that.

Living in England I can really see the effect of the Anglican church giving in to the constant shouts of society for reform. They have thrown their pearls before pigs and now the pigs have turned on them. Giving in solved NOTHING, the Anglican church is clasping straws in this country and not only that, but they are now facing ANOTHER schism with American and Canadian bishops over more so called ‘God given reforms’. Yeah right.
You know I’m really seriously contemplating moving to Europe somewhere to a grassroot region. It seems like American Liberals are taking over the Church here, and their numbers are growing! Is this my perception, or do others think this way?
Have posted som adresses for you if you are interested, but to stay home and honouring the Lord by “fighting a good fight” can also be a good thing to do!
Poland would be about the only place you could go. Isn’t Europe just as bad?!?! I think the tide has been turning and will continue to turn. I think you’re feeling angry because of the media’s take on some “Catholics” opinions in the wake of the Pope’s death. Not ony does the media not get it, the “Catholics” themselves don’t get it! Stay, fight the good fight.
I think you are right if you by “I think the tide has been turning and will continue to turn” mean that that more and more will stop being Christian in an unselfish way (and more and more will perhaps fall away for faith both in Europe and in America).

We must try to prevent that (try to save souls before it’s to late), - "fight the good fight! "

There are many ways to do that. One of these ways can be living our daily catholic life under ordinary circumstances. Other ways can go through living in a special prayer- and living-fellowship for a shorter or longer period in life. Some of these are in USA, others in Europe or other places:
You might find some understanding from this story.

Late 19th century. Pope Leo XIII just finishes Mass. He has a vision in which he see God and Satan. Satan asks to have the 20th century as a time for testing, to see if he can destroy the Church. God grants this request. The Pope starts writing many encyclicals aimed at trying to avert the coming trials, he also composes the St Michael prayer straight after the vision and orders that it be said after every Mass. The revelations at Fatima unfold- 2 world wars, nations anihilated, atheistic communism threatens to anihilate the world with a nuclear holocaust, 1000’s of priets and religious are put to death, the 20th century brings with it every ism man can conceive, and so much more.
Pope Paul VI says that the smoke of Satan has entered the Church , after Vatican II. Is it any wonder we have so much strife in the world and Church.
But the 20th century is over. Recently Pope JPII said that Satan is working furiously at the moment because he knows the world is on the verge of an era of freedom from evil.
So lets pray that this era comes sooner , rather than later.
A Christian should strive to remain cheerful and optimistic in the face of any adversity. Such was the fortitude of the first Christians. We all need to pray for such fortitude. Especially me.
Liberal American Catholics are really grating on my nerves, and I’m really trying to control this. I’m just getting tired of them saying, ease up on contraception, abortion isn’t really murder, lets ordain women!

To me, it seems American Catholic Liberals want a cafeteria, Mc Donaldsesque Catholicism, pick and choose buffet-style what they want to follow and believe.

I’m telling you all YOU CAN’T!!! It is called Doctrine, the Church let alone the Pope CAN NOT change this, get it through to your hearts and repent on this border line heresy train of thought. Please for the love of God, pray that the Holy Ghost will guide you in your thoughts and deeds, please!

You know I’m really seriously contemplating moving to Europe somewhere to a grassroot region. It seems like American Liberals are taking over the Church here, and their numbers are growing! Is this my perception, or do others think this way?
AMEN!!! I feel the exact same way!!!
Deeeeep breath…contemplative prayer…deeeeeep breath…meditation on the Mysteries…deeeeeeep breath…🙂
We aren’t the first catholics to feel this way.
Think of how it was in the beginning surrounded by the corrupt Roman empire and christians were being murdered.
Think of how it was during the arian heresy.
Think of how it was when Islam was storming through the east, middle east, Africa, and Europe.

This is where God put us…it looks like this is where we take up our cross.
I want to move out of the US. If I ever become a priest, I hope I never have to come back. America’s a great country, but her people are tearing her apart. Kind of like the Church.
You are exactly what the United States needs. We need good holy priests. Do not give up hope; we have Christ, and there is nothing He cannot do.
Jesus Mary Joseph save souls.

A few observations on my part…

Take courage have faith. The cafeteria catholics were driving me a bit crazy too, for a while. Then, I realized that MSNBC and CNN are actually doing a service by bringing them out in the open.
After seeing their modus operandi, I can better recognize their errors. Thus if for instance, some cafeteria catholic in my parrish, especially a “catechist” , makes some bogus claim I am better prepare to challenge them and to correct them, (with charity) by pointing to the appropriate section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church etc. . Also I try to get in the habit of using the CCC in bible courses at the parish, to lead by example by giving an easily availble doctrinal source that references the scriptue, such that we can read the bible with the mind of the Church.
Another observation, Aas I was watching MSNBC tonight, I noticed that the editor of America is sensitive to the label “cafeteria catholic”. Thus, I infered that the cafeteria catholics deep down know that they are not in agreement with Church teaching and are defensive in this matter.

Pray the rosary for conversions

Be not afraid - John Paul II
Frustrated. Need to Vent! Catholic Liberals driving me crazy.

Feel better? 😃

I know what you mean…
Yes I feel better about this now. I won’t lose heart. Kirk, I am half Polish so…Poland might be an option 😉 . Seriously, I think God needs me here for the time being to help others.

True they aren’t hurting my salvation, it is just that they are sowing seeds of rebellion in the Church.
Are Cafeteria Catholics harming your salvation?
Not mine, I’m harming my salvation myself.

But they are harming the salvation of many and are a clear and present danger to the soul of those close to me.

Woe to those who cause scandal…

Scandal is an evil thing indeed, I’ve seen what it can do, it sows discord!
Apparently it isn’t working for the liberals;) LOOK

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