I’m a convert, Easter 2005
I love my new found faith and the church and all her teachings.
I’m getting a bit frustrated though. I have very serious health issues (20% kidney function, will need dialysis/transplant soon)… I also don’t have regular periods and am on coumadin.
I do not take BC because it’s against the teachings. I don’t use NFP because of my non-existant periods.
So…husband and I try to abstain.
It gets very frustrating. I would lovingly accept any new life, but I’m afraid the drugs I’m on could harm my unborn baby and if I get pregnant it could seriously harm me! I have 2 kids living and 1 in heaven (miscarriage). With all the pregnacies they were very hard on me and my health. Though it was well worth it, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I sometimes think… “if i didn’t convert I could use BC” but I know that’s wrong and I get sad. I love our church and am faithful… I just get so frustrated

I’m getting a bit frustrated though. I have very serious health issues (20% kidney function, will need dialysis/transplant soon)… I also don’t have regular periods and am on coumadin.
I do not take BC because it’s against the teachings. I don’t use NFP because of my non-existant periods.

I sometimes think… “if i didn’t convert I could use BC” but I know that’s wrong and I get sad. I love our church and am faithful… I just get so frustrated