I have the privilege of attending a Catholic high school that really embraces tradition and stands as a kind of counter to modernism which has struck my diocese. Very fortunately, with that comes prayer before the tabernacle everyday, frequent adoration, and confession. For someone like me who has a desire to both the religious life and married life and can’t seem to make a decision between the two (which I know I won’t have to fully make that decision anytime soon) I get frustrated when I’m told to ask the Lord what He wants of me in silent adoration and to put myself at His service and all I sense is neutrality, blandness, no motivation to either lifestyle, just complete and utter silence (which I know isn’t exactly a bad thing) but it’s the last thing one who’s trying his hardest everyday to hear the Lord speak in his heart. It’s just so frustrating and I feel like nothing is ever going to change and that I’m going to make the decision myself and end up in the wrong path of life. I know I need a spiritual director, but I just need tips on how to sense which route to take and how to hear the Lord’s voice. I ask him everyday to let me hear Him and see Him and it all just gets for confusing. All advice helps!