Why does it seem like that many people, even Catholics, do not fully explore, or even recognize, truth and goodness? It seems that people do not wonder what is true and what is not, and are especially unwilling to take their inquiry to the fullest possible depth, which is ultimately God. And it also seems that people are unwilling to try to be as good as they can possibly be; not mediocre, not partially good and partially bad, but to try their absolute best, and then repent if they do something bad and try to correct it. People, it seems, would rather live a life of convenience: relying on what others tell them is true and asking no further, and being as good, and as sinful, as it suits them at that moment. Essentially, I have two questions regarding these observations: why are people willing to settle? and, why can there be two people from very similar situations, such as backgrounds of hard suffering, wealth, and everything in between, and one of them choose to appreciate and pursue the call to complete truth and goodness the Holy Spirit gives them in their heart, and the other chooses to settle for mediocrity and convenience? What motivates these people to make their so very different choices?