The one good thing about FB is that it brings up my old memories of my kids, when they were smaller! Otherwise, I’d totally forget half the weird, funny, offbeat exchanges we’ve had…
I’m sorting through dried beans in preparation for soaking. Y is bothering X, so I call Y to come help me.
Me: I’m going to soak these beans, but first, I need to check them for any little rocks. Can you help me look for rocks?
Y squeezes a bean very carefully, and puts it into the bowl.
Y: No rocks in that one!
X: A day without Skylanders feels like 24 hours.
(Reading to the boys)
Me: “Aunt Gertrude ruled with an iron fist, and the Hardy Boys knew better than to oppose her…”
X (sits up with an amazed expression of sudden interest): Wait, what?
Me: It’s an expression. It doesn’t mean she has a metal hand. It means she’s the boss, and they know not to argue with her.
X (settles back down): Oh. I had read a story about someone with a robot leg…
X spends the afternoon trying to chase Y out of being in the same room with him…
X: Go away, Y! You’re DISTRACTING me!
X: Nooooo! I can’t read when you’re looking at the book!
X: STOP IT, Y! Go away!
But when it’s poop time…
X: Come on, Y! It’s time for a meeting!