Click here to find out why I am not happy about Gary’s decision. Pray that Mr. Sinise will reconsider.
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It sounds like the fourth season is intended to be the last, though I’m a bit shocked that it has managed to last this long. I remember the first season being at least really bingible, if not horribly handled in how it presented very serious topics, and from what I’ve seen from Season 2, everything just went downhill fast, even going beyond horribly handled to just downright stupid and dangerous.Will this show ever end? How much can they possibly milk a fictional character’s suicide?
There were some plot threads open at the end of Season 1 from what I remember. The two major ones that had continuing potential were:How can they come up three extra seasons worth of material? What is there left to portray?
Your life is probably better for it. It’s of the most exploitative depictions of suicide I’ve seen in popular media.I’ve never watched the show.
I think calling it “exploitative”, as many have, is going too far. The writers clearly wanted to explore the problematic ways women are treated in society and how we don’t have good systems in place to help those who may be suicidal. However, that doesn’t mean they did well, and they often falter in key ways, including:It’s of the most exploitative depictions of suicide I’ve seen in popular media.
Agree wholeheartedly. Yes, many if not most rape victims are going to be psychologically traumatized by their assault, and some go on to end their lives as a result. However, presenting suicide as the natural fruition of male-on-female sexual assault
- They end up presenting suicide as the normal response to rape. Again, everything gets overshadowed by Bryce raping Hannah, and because Jessica, who could have served as a good juxtaposition, is in denial about Bryce raping her while her boyfriend let him, we never really get an alternative view.
- They present suicide merely as a response to actions, not as a much more complicated phenomena that often includes mental health issues.
I think that’s the biggest problem with the show (I haven’t seen it myself, but from what I have heard). It’s the same problem that there was with all the genie memes of “You’re free!” following Robin Williams suicide a few years back. I feel like it romanticizes suicide and makes it a more attractive option for those who are struggling. That’s not a good thing.it gives the impression that suicide is empowering.