Hi folks. Brand (spanking) new member. I’m not sure I even deserve the “Junior” title.
Stumbled on this site last night – actually about 3 AM. Didn’t want to toss and turn and wake the Mrs. Happy to have found it and registered. Thought I’d start with a question/issue that always gets me a little aggitated. I’m sure it shouldn’t. Since it’s probably an “oldie” to you senior members, maybe there’s a short answer. Sorry if it’s too much of a softball.
Years ago I heard or read a compelling treatment of Christ’s statement that, “Upon this rock I will build My Church.” No problem there. But He follows with, “And even the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” This latter part is universally presented as if to suggest that the Church is a sanctuary from evil. I spent over 30 years in the military and traveled to many places and heard this scripture delivered and analyzed by many different priests. I’ve asked most about it with little meaningful response. Maybe I didn’t ask it right.
So the short version is this: Jesus doesn’t say, “…even the evil BEHIND the gates of hell will prevail…”. He says the gates themselves won’t prevail. Doesn’t this imply that, through His Church, He will destroy both the gates and the implied evil behind them? Isn’t this really His call to arms, demanding that His Church (us) not huddle behind some supposed safety the Church will certainly provide. Sorry again for “testing the waters” with an easy one. Blogging in general is a new thing to an old(er) … person.
Stumbled on this site last night – actually about 3 AM. Didn’t want to toss and turn and wake the Mrs. Happy to have found it and registered. Thought I’d start with a question/issue that always gets me a little aggitated. I’m sure it shouldn’t. Since it’s probably an “oldie” to you senior members, maybe there’s a short answer. Sorry if it’s too much of a softball.
Years ago I heard or read a compelling treatment of Christ’s statement that, “Upon this rock I will build My Church.” No problem there. But He follows with, “And even the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” This latter part is universally presented as if to suggest that the Church is a sanctuary from evil. I spent over 30 years in the military and traveled to many places and heard this scripture delivered and analyzed by many different priests. I’ve asked most about it with little meaningful response. Maybe I didn’t ask it right.
So the short version is this: Jesus doesn’t say, “…even the evil BEHIND the gates of hell will prevail…”. He says the gates themselves won’t prevail. Doesn’t this imply that, through His Church, He will destroy both the gates and the implied evil behind them? Isn’t this really His call to arms, demanding that His Church (us) not huddle behind some supposed safety the Church will certainly provide. Sorry again for “testing the waters” with an easy one. Blogging in general is a new thing to an old(er) … person.