When you live your life according to your beliefs, and God’s love spills over into your actions, people see that. I am open about my beliefs, about the role my religion plays in my life, about why I behave the way I do, why I make the decisions I do, why I act the way I act, what God means to me. My friends know where God fits into and around my life, and if they ask me what I’m doing over the weekend, I don’t tell them everything but church, I include Mass and any other Church related activity and tell them where it is, in case they want to show up. Later I will ask them if they want to come. That way if they want to ask, they know I am open to talking about it. If they are feeling called to do something they don’t have to wait for an opening or an opportunity. One of my very best friends in the world started coming to Mass with me about a year after I met him and then finally went to confession about two years later. He’s been chaste ever since and has been taking communion. Sometimes it’s enough to be there and be God’s witness without ever having to be the one to discuss the behavior. Sometimes it’s important to remember that we aren’t the ones called to judge. We are only called to be God’s witnesses. If we talk about God, He’ll do the rest. If you talk too much about what a person has to give up to come to God, they won’t take the first step, but if they want to come to God, He’ll help them get rid of everything that separates them from Him. Just my opinion of course. (Obviously that’s not going to be the case for the priests or teachers or parents, the ones who have the obligation to form souls. But for those of us who are merely witnesses it’s important to be, rather than to judge.)