I really don’t think so. The Church situation is something of a “perfect storm” for the media.
First we have an organization that says people and society should follow it because it has a special relationship with God. When its own people fail, its much more interesting than when someone fails who does not claim special status.
Second, the senior management was deeply involved in the coverup. The media and public love a cover up. Watergate, Iran Contra, Enron, etc.
Third, there are huge lawsuits and attacks on assets involved. This brings out the trial attorneys who want a third of the take. They are very skilled at pumping the story in the media.
Fourth, it just keeps happening, even after all the media headlines and reform. The Dallas Morning News reported last month on the shuffling and coverups still happening in South America, Australia, and the Pacific.
There may be bigots involved, but I don’t see that they are the driving force here. The story has enough strength on its own merits that it doesn’t need bigots to survive. Few bigots are smart enough to engineer this kind of coverage.