Gay """Jesus""" outrageous mockery on Netflix

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Netflix upload here in Brazil a new outrageous comedy “Christmas Special” film called “The First Temptation of Christ” that shows a “”“Jesus”"" presenting his gay boyfriend (sic) to his parents. And they keep it in the first page like it was a big thing.

Mais uma vez Porta dos Fundos usa da "arte" para profanar Jesus Cristo (the link is in portuguese, but please, translate it and read it)

Especial de Natal Porta dos Fundos 2019: A Primeira Tentação de Cristo | Trailer oficial | Netflix - YouTube (this is the trailer, I didn’t have the stomach to watch it)

Sorry for the multiple Netflix topics, but people need to know that.
If you don’t like the content on Netflix, don’t give them free advertisement with the above links. I never heard of this show and, now that I have, I will decide not to watch it.
. . . . People need to know what Netflix is doing. It’s probable that people in US never learn that since it is a Brazilian production.
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Im Glad you posted this to ALERT Catholics. Yes, the war and disinformation on Jesus and Catholicism is outrageous up here too in USA!
If you really research this trend, the propaganda is dethroning Jesus Christ as King and Son Of God, The Sacrificial Lamb, etc…
They are also writing books as “Jesus the Jewish Rabbi”. Therefore Jesus was only a mortal man. This trend of calling Jesus a Rabbi is very common right now. Jesus was not a mere Rabbi.
Remember …HE WAS FULLY HUMAN AND FULLY DIVINE! We need to alert more catholics on these tactics … some ppl are really falling for it.
Thank. you again. You are a great Roman Catholic and I’m glad to have catholic family all over the world!
Alerting Catholics to propaganda/ disinformation is never a bad thing!
And criticizing others who choose to help others is not virtuous.
This is the first time I have seen this kind thread and am thankful OP alerted me to this.
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This is your third thread on the evil of Netflix. This forum has been exposed, your job is done.
Actually this is the first thread I have seen. I understand there were others, but not everyone sees all the threads. Personally I am glad to know to avoid netflix.
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Here are the other threads:
Is having Netflix sinful? Moral Theology
Here in Brazil, Netflix put an outrageous comedy show mocking Our Lord, Jesus Christ (so much for the largest “Catholic country” in the world). Anyway, this really shocked me. Of course, I will never watch it and I always try to filter the scandalous stuff. But, my question is if it is ok to maintain Netflix or I am becoming some kind of an accomplice in this. The problem is that I really enjoy it, I don’t have regular TV, just streaming and it is very practical to me. I really enjoy coming from…
Christian alternatives to Netflix Catholic Living
Hello. Since Netflix has some many polemical aspects, do anyone can suggest good Christian alternatives to it?
I’m sorry if my posts have been construed as critical of the Op. In the first thread it was pointed out that Netflix is morally neutral and that viewing content was a prudential matter, a view that I believed the Op agreed with(noting the comparison with pharmacies). This thread introduces content that I would assume most Catholics, in prudence, would not watch. As this will be my last post I’ll also note that Agenda posting does violate forum rules.
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What do you expect? Do you expect the world to be Christian? They are going to agree with everything you believe?
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People need to know what Netflix is doing. It’s probable that people in US never learn that since it is a Brazilian production.
People can see what Netflix offers and choose not to watch it, just like all of the other stuff on TV. I am not sure how Netflix is the sole problem. Nor do I understand why people in the US need to learn about a Brazilian show they will never see.
Wow, really? This sounds like a very uncharitable and arrogant comment. Like, people here doesn’t matter for you? It is not important to know the point of disrespect that an AMERICAN company reaches? Or the mockery being done to Our Lord worldwide? For you as long it does not happen in America, it does not matter? Really… There is some comments that are just mind blowing. Netflix is mocking Jesus and people get angry to me because I revealed it and calling it unworthy of attention. This is really a crazy world.
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@Imo, you are the one that brought up people in the US not knowing about it, not me. Again, unless someone watches Netflix, I don’t understand why they need to know about it as you think. There are plenty of outrageous things going on in the world. Do we need to hear about all of them? And also again, for those who have Netflix they will choose not to watch trash such as this if they have any faith at at.
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Because Netflix is an extremely important and influential company and sociologically and culturally is very important to know that the level of freedom to humiliate Christ is growing and growing. It seems that each year it is worse. When Da Vinci Code came out everybody went crazy because it suggested that Jesus had children. But now it is much worse, it is a company that tries to appeal to a very larger audience, not a niche, presenting Jesus a homossexual with a boyfriend in a country that has a population where 88% calls itself Christian. Obviously, they want money and they noticed that people would just continue watching, that it is ok to humiliate Jesus in a “88% Christian country”, that this is good for business. This is a very important sociocultural matter and should bring a lot of reflexion to Catholics. Even your apathy regarding this is showing about the point our society reached.
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