Gay Marriage and becoming Catholic

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony5522
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If two people, both gay and one whom is Catholic, are wed in a civil ceremony. Can the non Catholic partner still go through RCIA and become Catholic?
Firstly, welcome back!

This question is extremely pastoral in nature, and as questions of this nature, should be directed towards said person’s pastor. However, those experiencing homosexual attractions (or SSA) are called to live chaste lives. This civil union is contrary to that chastity that they are called to.

I will refrain from going into more specifics since this should be directed towards said person’s pastor in a private setting to discuss the possibility of going through RCIA.
This is like the 5th thread on this topic in a month. If there are that many SSA people wanting to enter the Church, that’s awesome.

Any person in an SSA relationship is called to chastity— continence. If they are in a legal relationship that is a pastoral matter to discuss with the pastor at the parish.

If they are or want to continue being in an active sexual relationship with a same sex person, that is incompatible with the Catholic moral and sacramental life, so much counseling would be needed until such time as they were prepared to live in continence and enter the Church.
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