Gay Support Group in the Diocese

  • Thread starter Thread starter Carmetta
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I was on my diocese website and found that there is a support group for the Gay/Lesbian community.This is a direct quote:
We Are Family Too: Support Group for Gays, Lesbians, their Families and Friends

My eyebrows are still raised, so I’m wondering if anyone else has a diocese this? Apparently there is also an annual Liturgy for Gay/Lesbian Catholics, I’m just wondering if someone has a diocese/parish like this what they talk about. I’m sorry for the poory worded question, I’m just wondering how we can have a support group for a lifestyle we don’t support.

Or is it, we are supporting the people not the lifestyle. Which I find very hard to seperate the two.
People need to be real careful with different pseudo-Catholic “gay” support groups that are springing up throughout the country.

The only support group that is for people with a Same-Sex attraction that is approved by the Vatican because they abide by the church’s teachings is Courage.

Information on Courage can be found at:

Courage is for members of the Catholic faith that deal with varying degress of a same-sex attraction and want to abide by the teachings of the church, including chastity.

Encourage is a courage organization for support of parents and other relatives of people that are either in Courage or parents of people in the “gay” lifestyle.
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