In Massachusetts, a petition to gather signitures that will amend the constitution to declare that marriage is the union between one man and one woman is being initiated this week. Meanwhile, a gay website at www.knowthyneighbor.org has been developed for the express purpose of intimidating potential signers of the petition to not do so. The website will post the names and addresses of all signers of the petition to “out” them as people who want to write “discrimination” into the constitution. There are veiled threats on the website such as the promise to not solicit business with the employers of the signitories, etc. and they encourage all those in favor of gay marriage to check the site to see who they know signed the petition. Even one prominent gay activist has called the site “mean-spirited”. It is definitely worrisome and disturbing. So what’s next? You’ll be in danger of being arrested for saying that active homosexuality is sinful? I personally work at a human service agency that employs alot of gay people and even has a gay and lesbian month on their employee calendar. I work closely with several openly gay people and am friendly with them. I also very much would like to sign this petition and obviously respectfully disagree with their strong feelings about the right to marriage for same-sex couples. This whole thing is already making me nervous.