Gender Identity and Sex

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In your opinion, are gender and sex on a spectrum? Why or why not?

My Opinion: Gender is a social construct, and has to do with how you perceive yourself. Sex is biological and fixed, but definitely not binary. Both are on a spectrum.
I don’t agree. For many years, they have meant the same thing. It’s only in more recent years that people have decided they can be anything they want to be, regardless of what nature says they are.
Gender is partially consctructed, and is on a spectrum. It has primarily to do with how you perceive yourself. I think people have innate inclinations to certain forms of gender expression, and how they interpret that is socially based, hence constructed. Sex I consider to be immutable, and a binary. Any deviation is apparent and false, and due to the fall. The reason why I consider sex to be binary is because in order to produce a human you need a being to give a sperm, and a being to give an egg. There is no third way. If there was, sex would be triune. But because there are “two principles of reproduction” it is binary.

I don’t think people choose their gender really, but it is socially based and partially innate. A bad analogy for what I mean: say someone is born with an innate inclination for carbs as their favorite food, depending on where they were born, which culture, they may interpret that as “I like rice” or “I like potatoes.” I think gender is like thst. Someone has an innate inclination to express themselves as " feminine" and they will interpret that we whatever their culture calls feminine. So it is sort of determined.

It is fine to express gender however one wants, there is no sin. It is evil to deny one’s immutable sex.
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Your biological sex is male or female and you remain so through your whole life. You may be using gender, in regards to gender roles? Some men have some effeminate qualities and some women have some masculine qualities but these do not redefine them as a different sex. I think the problem is when we see extremes, like a male portraying themselves to be female with these very effeminate qualities. I think it is all exaggerated and effects of the disorder they suffer from with their gender identity. Our moral relativism culture has enabled this and even promoted it, which only adds to the delusion. No one would promote and enable anorexia, but rather they would define the disorder and seek to help the person. It is no different with gender identity but the progressive cancer has really screwed up our world.
I agree partially, and that is kind of what I meant. Other than sex not being binary (he thinks it isnt, I think it is) this video I think is accurate:

This is something I’ve been thinking about more, as a friend of mine recently told me they are trans.
I’ll be honest, I don’t know what to think. From what they’ve told me, the dysphoria they feel can get…really really intense. It’s like wearing two left shoes. It feels wrong. Except instead of shoes it’s their entire body. I can’t do much for my friend except send them encouragement.
The Church, historically, hasn’t done the best job of administering the the LGBT community. Trans people also have dicey relations with the community as well AFAIK. It seems like a very lonely and isolating existence to me.

So I guess when it comes down to it I believe what the Church teaches on gender and sex, but I think that the way it’s handled/been handled has been a bit tone deaf or coming from a place of misunderstanding. I don’t have a good answer on how to fix that. I don’t think anyone does, really.

Side note, and this might just be my personal experience, but while I think that gender and sex are pretty binary, I really dislike a lot of assumptions that come with that line of thinking. I’m not a man, and I don’t fit what I’ve called the Western definition of a man at all. I’m not muscular or athletic or even that outdoorsy, but there’s a vocal minority of my family’s friends who take a weird amount of issue with the fact that my idea of a good evening is spent inside wrapped in a blanket drawing. It’s too effeminate for their tastes apparently. My siblings get some comments like that too.

So I definitely agree with the modern push against gender roles and stereotypes like that, because it’s honestly annoying, and I imagine for some people it’s a lot worse than being occasionally bothered about how you spend your free time.

Edited for readability. Sorry.
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Isn’t it a sin to pretend that you’re a woman if you’re a man? Lying and dishonesty are sinful.

Also, if there is such a thing as “female soul within a male body”, cannot there be animal or alien souls trapped in human bodies as well? Otherkins become real.
The fact that people think of that as effeminate is so hilarious and stupid to me I just don’t get it. I wish people would stop gendering things that aren’t gendered.
The fact that people think of that as effeminate is so hilarious and stupid to me
I agree. It’s especially bizarre when one stops to think about how many famous artists in history have been men, who have left us with incredible pieces of work, not to mention numerous insights into the human condition.
I’m male. I am XY Chromosome. If I start wearing a dress and calling myself Betty, I will still be male. Just one that wears a dress and calls myself Betty.
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