Happy Easter–He is Risen, alleluia, alleluia!!!
Today I did not attend the Traditional Latin Liturgy-- I attended Mass at my local Catholic Church with family. And although the Mass is beautiful no matter which Rite is being used for the celebration I was a bit taken aback today. This is the first non-Traditional Mass I have attended in a number of months now, and during Lent I always miss the “Gloria,” and I was very excited to be able to sing it today. Until the Cantor sang, “and peace to God’s people on earth.” I almost felt myself being jettisoned back into myself.
I was fully prepared to suffer through a non-prayerful atmosphere before Mass, knowing from experience that the Easter Liturgy is attended (thankfully, praise be to God!) by many who do not make it a habit to worship God weekly. But to have the Gloria–Scripture!–changed that way hurt me somehow.
Thanks be to God for Peter having given me a choice. I choose the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated without an agenda.
(note to moderator: I do not know if I am crossing a line with these thoughts of mine; I am aware of the rule against pitting one Rite against the other, and am hoping I have not violated it. If I have, accept my sincerest apologies, and please close this.)
Today I did not attend the Traditional Latin Liturgy-- I attended Mass at my local Catholic Church with family. And although the Mass is beautiful no matter which Rite is being used for the celebration I was a bit taken aback today. This is the first non-Traditional Mass I have attended in a number of months now, and during Lent I always miss the “Gloria,” and I was very excited to be able to sing it today. Until the Cantor sang, “and peace to God’s people on earth.” I almost felt myself being jettisoned back into myself.
I was fully prepared to suffer through a non-prayerful atmosphere before Mass, knowing from experience that the Easter Liturgy is attended (thankfully, praise be to God!) by many who do not make it a habit to worship God weekly. But to have the Gloria–Scripture!–changed that way hurt me somehow.
Thanks be to God for Peter having given me a choice. I choose the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated without an agenda.
(note to moderator: I do not know if I am crossing a line with these thoughts of mine; I am aware of the rule against pitting one Rite against the other, and am hoping I have not violated it. If I have, accept my sincerest apologies, and please close this.)