General Judgment?

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If everyone is judged immediately after death, why will there be a general judgment?

Question number 2, what affect will the general judgment have on the judgment immediately after death?

Thanks for your help.
I thought I’d heard something about this on Catholic Answers. Isn’t the general judgement provided by God so that we may be shown where all of mankind is going(Heaven or Hell), and why they are going there. Essentially, to show us that His justice is perfect. At least this is what I recall hearing on CA.

Not sure I understand the second question.
Catechism of the Council of Trent, Article VII:
Reasons For General Judgment
It is necessary to show why, besides the particular judgment of each individual, a general one should also be passed upon all men.
Those who depart this life sometimes leave behind them children who imitate their conduct, dependents, followers and others who admire and advocate their example, language and actions. Now by all these circumstances the rewards or punishments of the dead must needs be increased, since the good or bad influence of example, affecting as it does the conduct of many, is to terminate only with the end of the world. Justice demands that in order to form a proper estimate of all these good or bad actions and words a thorough investigation should be made. This, however, could not be without a general judgment of all men.
Moreover, as the character of the virtuous frequently suffers from misrepresentation, while that of the wicked obtains the commendation of virtue, the justice of God demands that the former recover, in the public assembly and judgment of all men, the good name of which they had been unjustly deprived before men.
Again, as the just and the wicked performed their good and evil actions in this life not without the cooperation of the body, it necessarily follows that these actions belong also to the body as to their instrument. It was, therefore, altogether suitable that the body should share with the soul the due rewards of eternal glory or punishment. But this can only be accomplished by means of a general resurrection and of a general judgment.
Next, it is important to prove that in prosperity and adversity, which are sometimes the promiscuous lot of the good and of the bad, everything is done and ordered by an allwise and alljust Providence. It was, therefore, necessary not only that rewards should await the just and punishments the wicked, in the life to come, but that they should be awarded by a public and general judgment. Thus they will become better known and will be rendered more conspicuous to all; and in atonement for the unwarranted murmurings, to which on seeing the wicked abound in wealth and flourish in honours even the Saints themselves, as men, have sometimes given expression, a tribute of praise will be offered by all to the justice and Providence of God. My feet, says the Prophet, were almost moved, my steps had well nigh slipped, because I had a zeal on occasion of the wicked, seeing the prosperity of sinners; and a little after: Behold! these are sinners and yet abounding in the world, they have obtained riches; and I said, Then have I in vain justified my heart, and washed my hands among the innocent; and I have been scourged all the day, and my chastisement hath been in the morning. This has been the frequent complaint of many, and a general judgment is therefore necessary, lest perhaps men may be tempted to say that God walketh about the poles of heaven, and regards not the earth.
I have not heard of a General Judgement…at first I think I had this confused with something called the “illumination of souls” but that was something I read I a book about some phrophecy. Anyway the illumination was said to be a judgement in miniature and some sort of grace to see where you are before you are judged the final time. I don’t know if this is accepted by the church or not though.
So, I am guessing General Judgement is not this and a general judgement is something that is supposed to let us know that we were not judged fairly according to the rest of the worlds actions???
Perhaps this is over my head?
Particular judgment comes at the moment of death. It is the judgment that considers our lives on earth and our just reward – Heaven or Hell. General Judgment will come at the Eschaton (end of time), and will not be for any further arbitrary purpose, but for the benefit of the understanding of the faithful. Everyone’s sins, virtues, punishments and rewards will be laid out that we might see and understand the perfect justice and mercy of God.
Wouldn’t the particular judgment after death include the concept of cleansing of the soul/purgatory/theosis?

Another difference between the particular and general judgements is that the suffering or glory will be experienced in our bodies after the general judgment, whereas it is only our spirits that experience suffering or glory after the particular judgment.

This is making much more sense to me now. Thanks a bunch.

I do have a third question though, is there any scriptural support for this or is this part of sacred tradition?

Thanks again.
This is making much more sense to me now. Thanks a bunch.

I do have a third question though, is there any scriptural support for this or is this part of sacred tradition?

Thanks again.
Revelation speaks of the Great White throne judgment which separates the sheep and goats. This is the general judgment.
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