Generations of Faith

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There’s a new program being instituted in our diocese called “Generations of Faith.” Are any of you involved in it in your parish? If you are, how orthodox is it? I would also like to inquire about Pax Christi. That’s being implemented in our parish also. How orthodox is this organization? I appreciate all that you can tell me about these two. Thanks
I just moved and my church here is doing this. They said they had much success with this program in the past. I’ve been asked to teach and we will have our program in 3-4 weeks. I’ll post then and let you know.
Our Diocese was one of the “pilot” Dioceses to inaugurate this program. In the Diocese, three parishes have begun the program, ours being one of the three. I have been one of the core group since it’s beginning, probably three years ago.
I have had mixed feelings about this program from it’s outset. One of the parishes in the Diocese seems to be having good response, however, I do not know exactly what effect they are having. Apparently they have enthusiastic leaders, and do have an active program.
Our parish has been less enthusiastic, only having one or two activities in a years time. These have been basically a social event, with some theological theme.
I guess I’m not convinced the program can be an effective tool for teaching. The theory seems to be utilizing the older parishoners to pass on the churches teaching to the younger set. This, I feel, can have only limited effect in teaching what the Church is all about.
I have also been trying to get some feedback from somewhere about the orthodoxy of the program, but so far have not really had much success. In the beginning, the program was funded by a grant from the Eli Lilly Foundation. It seems unusual that an organization not affiliated with the Church would invest funds in trying to establish a new method of teaching church values and/or doctine. I have not been able to get very enthusiastic about this program yet.
It is an alternative to traditional grade-level, drop off CCD programs, and is designed to involve the whole family, and the rest of the parish in an inter-generational model. Preparation for sacraments happens at other meetings outside of GOF gatherings. GOF is usually once a month gathering, 2-3 hours, with program, some teaching, crafts, stories, games to reinforce lesson.

If you follow the curriculum, and if every family member attends every session for 6 years you would get a fair intro to Catholic doctrine, as each year’s programs are built around a certain theme. year 1 sacraments, year 2 Liturgical year, year 3 saints, year 4 commandments & beatitudes etc.

Trouble is the underlying assumption that all Catholics needing catechesis belong to intact families who are highly motivated to attend this program over several years. In several recent books on family-based or intergenerational models which critique the programs, authors state that they found kids were still NOT learning the basics of Catholic identity - the prayers, devotions, the Mass, sacramentals, social justice etc.

in a parish that has a hard time attracting and training catechists this might be a good alternative, but bear in mind, there will be a lot of kids who fall through the cracks and will not be reached.
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