Does the Catholic Church have an official interpertion for this passage?
In Protestantism, it depends on what group you belong to.
I’m reading a book right now that interperts the “Sons of God”
as fallen angels who had intercourse with the “daughters of men”
who were human women and the resultling “mighty men of renown” were the giants or the “nephulim”. The book says that’s why God caused the FLood, among other reasons(general evil) because Noah and his family were not tainted by this “demon” mixing.
Some groups (my church) believes the “Sons of God” were believing men and the “daughters of men” were heathen women.
It’s a strange bunch of verses in the creation story.
This book also claims that some Early Church Fathers and medivial theologians interetpreted this as fallen angels(incubi and sucubi)
I always thought that angels were pure spirit and though they could manifest physically-(i.e. appearing to Abraham and Lot
at Sodom) that they could certainly not copulate with human women and produce offspring!
Any Thoughts?
In Protestantism, it depends on what group you belong to.
I’m reading a book right now that interperts the “Sons of God”
as fallen angels who had intercourse with the “daughters of men”
who were human women and the resultling “mighty men of renown” were the giants or the “nephulim”. The book says that’s why God caused the FLood, among other reasons(general evil) because Noah and his family were not tainted by this “demon” mixing.
Some groups (my church) believes the “Sons of God” were believing men and the “daughters of men” were heathen women.
It’s a strange bunch of verses in the creation story.
This book also claims that some Early Church Fathers and medivial theologians interetpreted this as fallen angels(incubi and sucubi)
I always thought that angels were pure spirit and though they could manifest physically-(i.e. appearing to Abraham and Lot
at Sodom) that they could certainly not copulate with human women and produce offspring!
Any Thoughts?