Gentleness - a form of love

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Gentleness is not a well understood or practiced virtue in our society today.

Read the meditation “Gentleness - A Form of Love”

Do you consider yourself Gentle enough? Do people see Christ in how gentle you are?

Gentleness is a lifestyle that you can choose. It does take work to change from a non-gentle lifestyle to a gentle one, but you will be surprised at how it changes those around you.
Gentleness is not a well understood or practiced virtue in our society today.

Read the meditation “Gentleness - A Form of Love”

Do you consider yourself Gentle enough? Do people see Christ in how gentle you are?

This one really spoke to me…
How do I treat other people in my community? Am I patient and gentle with others that I meet, whether in stores, in cars, in church parking lots, in restaurants, at school, at meetings, at sports events, etc.? Do I treat them with respect?
“O, Jesus meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto thine”… Annunciata:)
If you have difficulties with gentleness and acknowledge it, there are a number of things you can do to help you develop the virtue of gentleness.

  1. *]Use reminders (stickup notes, little signs to oneself, etc.) where you tend to be not gentle. This works very well at home.
    *]Have your loved ones, point your non-gentleness out lovingly.
    *]Pray for Gentleness. St. Joseph, St. Francis, Blessed Theresa of Calcutta, and many other saints are good examples of gentleness and would make good intercessors on gentleness.
    *]Consider that God is in everything and would you treat God like you just treated that thing or person.
    *]Do deliberate regular actions to counter each of your non-gentle bad habits.

    I am sure there are many more as well (others feel free to share).
yes, and the gentleness in these forums warm my soul… sorry, it’s just amazing how adimate some become when they discover their way is not shared by all… :cool:
The world frowns on gentleness today. Many are brought up that gentleness is a sign of weakness.

In reality, in God’s view, gentleness is love in action, showing respect to God’s creation and our fellow human beings.

Many people today do not even know how to be gentleman and ladies. It is so sad. We must lead by example, as the Holy Father does.
It’s interesting that I was already thinking that you (T.A. Stobie) would find some posts not gentle and perhaps even some of mine (although I avoid crossing lines and offensive statements). I have observed your gentleness and I respect it for the right circumstances. However, I have no respect for gentleness that means you have to tolerate evil among religious leaders. St. Paul says not to even eat with a brother who is immoral and he said to be gentle, patient, and kind.

Again it really depends on circumstances. You see, when there are serious issues that offend God, gentleness has to take a firmer form. For the poor and ignorant gentleness is called for. However, for the purposefully deceptive, rich, selfish, powerful, and those who are in positions of religious authority who teach against the Church, I think gentleness must be firm. These are people who have hidden agendas and know what they are doing.

Mathew 23:13-39

33: “You serpents, brood of vipers…”

John 2:15 “He made a whip out of cords…”

The simple fact is that my experience of Catholicism has been that some of the most awe-inspiring teachings that reflect the dignity and beauty of God’s gift of human life to man are dissented against by many clergy. They are BLIND GUIDES who do not see that our teachings on contraception, marriage, penance, respect for the magisterium are the foundation for holiness and how deeply our Holy God is offended today by the practices of “Catholics” who have made a mockery of faith. Not all, but a large percentage of priests I have experienced. This does not call for gentleness: this calls for a cleaning of the temple. I don’t like satan’s lies especially when they are fed to Catholics by Catholic leaders.

Yes, we should all volunteer and do much more, but that’s not going to happen until people can trust their hearts to the heart of the Church which is to be the protector of their hearts so that they can feel safe “at home” that their very own “spiritual fathers” won’t crush them by opposing the fathers of the magisterium especially in the sacred temple of confession.

The time to clean the temple HAS LONG PAST.

The church has fallen asleep and has perhaps become a place for many who don’t fit elsewhere in society to just hang out and become priests because they are gay, or maybe it’s an easy life. It has stopped in some cases to be for solely for the pusposes of God. Again, some not all. Although I would say at least 50% of priests and 75% of the ones I have experienced don’t stand with the Church on what the Church calls a grave sin. Our American society and our sexual revolution has infected the Church. This is satan’s great deception: sex is for fun, have a blast! Amercian society is filthy and disgusting in many areas. Ever seen MTV!!! What has happened to HUMAN DECENCY???

I would never in the past even dream of speaking up, but now I see the snake has entered. Even the commission on the sex abuse said the “smoke of Satan” has entered the church. I am not some melodramatic whiner, I am a very reasonable Catholic who understands Jesus and His Church and I realize that some (NOT ALL) priest don’t even understand the seriousness of some teachings because they are foundational.

People say then help. I am helping!!! I am trying to bring this to the attention of Bishops. I have written priests and Bishops. No one ever seems to get excited. Finally, I think we are having an awakening. WE MUST NEVER ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN. The Church MUST BE THE PLACE THERE THOSE WHO LOVE JESUS and OBEY HIM CAN REST THEIR HEARTS.

We can drain our batteries in the secular world but not in the place where they are supposed to be recharged. There is no greater damage to a soul than spiritual damage.

For the faithful priest and Bishops, I have nothing but praise and there are many and I am so grateful. Nor would I have a problem with priests who teach with the Church but fail personally. I could be very gentle and patient with them as we all have weakness and failure. However for those priests (not all, many are good) that join VOTF, vote to remove the Bishop, do not speak in support of (and even dare oppose) Church teaching on contraception, living together before marriage, confession, women priests, and try to make the Church like the rest of normal American society, gentleness has to take the form of a gentle letter informing them that they are no longer active in the ministry.

So yes, gentleness, in the right circumstances and firmness in others. However, we should never cross the line to rudeness. When Jesus called the pharisees snakes, was he being rude?

There are those who speak in God’s name and those who oppose God. The Church magisterium speaks in God’s name when speaking infallibly and generally ordinarily. Anyone who opposes the Church teaching and claims to be a priest has no right to be a priest.

There is a call for more priests. Better one priest who is 100% faithful to the magisterium, than 100 priests who are not. We will have more priests when those we do have 100% support the magisterium.

This is critical because it calls into question whether the Catholic Church speaks for God or not. If it does then all should convert to it, but if it does not then we have not found God Himself. This is a sacred hope and faith that Catholics like myself rejoice in, THAT THEY HAVE FINALLY FOUND GOD! Dissent can cause the faithful to wonder if they have found God when they thougth they did. This is why Jesus warned so severely against those who damage the faith of his little ones. Better a millstone tide around the neck…

So yes, gentleness in general, but Jesus spoke up courageously when needed and it cost Him his life. Perhaps we should all seek that kind of courage. We could have that courage if we had faith and we will have faith when the priests and Bishops are models of faith. Why do I expect them to be models of faith? Because the Church speaks as the authority of Jesus so don’t dare to represent Jesus unless you indeed do represent Jesus as many do but far too many today do not. Jesus does not oppose His own teachings. Remember what he said about a house against itself?

Bishops it’s clean up time. My job is to take care of my family and provide support. Your job is to make sure that every priest teaches with the Church, no exceptions. If I am given authority, I will help but that authority is for the Bishops.

We are supposed to experience God Himself, this is not a game.
I have observed your gentleness and I respect it for the right circumstances. However, I have no respect for gentleness that means you have to tolerate evil among religious leaders.
Absolutely, being Gentle, does not mean tolerating evil. Rather it means standing up against it in a loving manner. Gentleness is not meekness.

The Holy Father is very gentle, but if you read his statements on abuse, you would understand how firm and passionate he is about standing for what is right and the Truth.

Being in a center of dissent, you have it very difficult. You need to identify those who are working for the Church (loyal to the magisterium as opposed to those employed by the Church, such as disloyal priests, etc.) and give your aid to them solidly. Archbishop O’Malley needs all the help he can get. The more support he gets, the firmer he can be.

You can transform some of your opponents with a loving gentleness in your firm stand against their disloyalty to the Church and to Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the post on gentleness. I was just convicting myself of that very thing - ungentleness - the other day when dealing with my children, ages 2 and 1. Sometimes I just get so impatient and yank them out of the car when they are dawdling to get out, or don’t wait even a second for them to come to me when I call before punishing them. Lord, please make me more gentle.
If you have difficulties with gentleness and acknowledge it, there are a number of things you can do to help you develop the virtue of gentleness.

  1. *]Use reminders (stickup notes, little signs to oneself, etc.) where you tend to be not gentle. This works very well at home.
    *]Have your loved ones, point your non-gentleness out lovingly.
    *]Pray for Gentleness. St. Joseph, St. Francis, Blessed Theresa of Calcutta, and many other saints are good examples of gentleness and would make good intercessors on gentleness.
    *]Consider that God is in everything and would you treat God like you just treated that thing or person.
    *]Do deliberate regular actions to counter each of your non-gentle bad habits.

    I am sure there are many more as well (others feel free to share).

  1. This is as right on as it gets. Great thread too 👍
Yes, I am going a little cookoo around here. I think the worst is over. And yes, I’m a bit touchy because it hurts so much. I do think you are wonderful though and I am happy and proud to be in the same Church as you. God bless you!!! You are a kind person!!

Our faith could be so powerful, we can leave this earth and stay on earth - you know!!! That’s why I’m so upset.

I have seen the light of Jesus and His Church so I will never leave - God willing!

Keep up your beautiful lay ministry and please pray for me - I am a software engineer and I need to find more work.
Archbishop O’Malley needs all the help he can get. The more support he gets, the firmer he can be.
Yes, that does make sense. Satan had me so upset and shocked that I could not be calm enough to see this. This is Satan’s game I’m sure - to rattle us.

The VOTF active in my town’s parish is very deceptive and I don’t think all the members see it. The rallying of the laity by dissenting priests to correct the Church is very sneaky because the laity should really be correcting the dissenting priests - they are using reverse psychology like marketing - when I see this kind of intelligent deception I can only think the snake is at work.

I will support the Bishop, if he wants to authorize me to clean up my parish and get rid of VOTF, I will also do that.

Your reminder of gentleness is valuable.
This is a great thread, Thomas! Good intentions do not always preserve a place for gentleness. I have a habit of rapid-fire questioning that can be anything but gentle (I have jokingly been called “Aristotle on crack!”). At work I implemented something called the Character Quality of the Month, a virtue with definition and examples, and “Gentleness” is the first one we did, followed by “Joyfulness.” We post two dozen of these signs each month all over our retirement community and we have received many grateful compliments.
This is a great thread, Thomas! Good intentions do not always preserve a place for gentleness. I have a habit of rapid-fire questioning that can be anything but gentle (I have jokingly been called “Aristotle on crack!”). At work I implemented something called the Character Quality of the Month, a virtue with definition and examples, and “Gentleness” is the first one we did, followed by “Joyfulness.” We post two dozen of these signs each month all over our retirement community and we have received many grateful compliments.
If I had the proper gifts and energy to walk the walk and talk the talk, I think I would have taken the name “Aristotle on Crack” for my forum nickname. That rules 👍
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